Thursday, September 14, 2023

Review & Giveaway - - Witch of Wild Things

Witch of Wild Things
by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland
Publisher: Berkley
Release Date: September 12, 2023
Reviewed by PJ

Legend goes that long ago a Flores woman offended the old gods, and their family was cursed as a result. Now, every woman born to the family has a touch of magic.

Sage Flores has been running from her family—and their “gifts”—ever since her younger sister Sky died. Eight years later, Sage reluctantly returns to her hometown. Like slipping into an old, comforting sweater, Sage takes back her job at Cranberry Rose Company and uses her ability to communicate with plants to discover unusual heritage specimens in the surrounding lands.

What should be a simple task is complicated by her partner in botany sleuthing: Tennessee Reyes. He broke her heart in high school, and she never fully recovered. Working together is reminding her of all their past tender, genuine moments—and new feelings for this mature sexy man are starting to take root in her heart.

With rare plants to find, a dead sister who keeps bringing her coffee, and another sister whose anger fills the sky with lightning, Sage doesn’t have time for romance. But being with Tenn is like standing in the middle of a field on the cusp of a summer thunderstorm—supercharged and inevitable.

PJ's Thoughts:

This is an interesting story about coming home, dysfunctional family, forgiveness, sisters, romance, and finding one's self. And if that isn't enough, there's a bit of a mystery as well as some very intriguing magical realism. 

The characters are well developed, drawing me into the story almost immediately and eliciting a variety of emotions. There are a lot of layers to sift through for more than one of them, especially within Sage's family. It's never easy coming home and the circumstances of Sage's departure and return make it less so. A boring reunion, this is not! 

I enjoyed the AOL instant messenger flashbacks between Tenn and Sage. It was a clever and effective way to dig into some of those layers (of both characters) and give readers a more complete understanding of their personalities, motivation, and feelings both past and present. 

Overall, the story moves at a steady pace and maintained my interest with a good balance of humor, character evolution, conflict, and emotional depth. Parts of the magical realism are easy to buy into while others require significant suspension of disbelief (I have many questions). It has me wondering if Gilliland is planning more books for this family. 

If you enjoy coming of age novels with magical realism, family dysfunction, and a touch of romance, give this one a try. It's an intriguing read. 

Do you enjoy books with magical realism?

Sage's gift is the ability to communicate with plants. What magical gift would you choose for yourself?

One randomly chosen person who posts a comment before 11:00 PM, September 16 will receive a print copy of Witch of Wild Things

*U.S. Only
*Must be 18


  1. I've been changing it up lately and this sounds quite interesting. I would want to be able to talk with animals!

    1. That would be my bucket list magical ability too. :)

  2. This is a new to me author. I am ambivalent about magical anything. I have read some books which were terrific for me, others that were simply too much over the line. If I had a magical talent, I would love to make rain when it is needed. I already talk to my plants....they simply do not answer me. I think that is just rude. Thanks for the review - as always you do a good job of making me want a book.

    1. At least your plants only ignore you. Mine run screaming in terror. lol

  3. Magical realism in stories gives me enjoyment since it provides a new outlook and unique ideas. If I did have an ability I would be thrilled. The ability to cure any ills.

  4. This sounds really interesting. But I just recently finished The Enchanted Hacienda by J.C. Cervantes so I'm not sure I could read to magical realism books so close together.

    1. I wouldn't advise reading those two back to back.

  5. The cover is eye-catching. Beautiful. I'm ok with some magical realism. If I had a magical gift, it would be to talk with animals or to be able to detect cancer through touch.

  6. I like reading an occasional magical realism story. For a magical gift, make me a gifted herbalist and gardener. Magical realism books with a gardening theme seem to interest me the most so I will be looking for the Witch of Wild Things at the library.

  7. I do like a bit of magic in stories, so this book intrigues me. I would like the gift of healing.

  8. Yes I enjoy books with a touch of magic and paranormal. I enjoy a wide variety of genres

  9. Yes, I do enjoy that. I am fascinated by books with magic and paranormal or fantasy themes. I would love to have the ability to heal people.

  10. This book sounds interesting. There is magic all around us. We have just forgotten to look for it or how to see it. Such a story as this might encourage us to look at the world around us a bit more closely. A bit of magic is always enjoyable. If I had a gift, I would like to have the ability to heal.

  11. This sounds lovely, I really enjoy magical realism. I’d want to be able to talk to animals (though I already talk to my dog a lot!)

  12. This book sounds lovely. I do enjoy magical realism, Alice Hoffman and Sarah Addison Allen are authors I have enjoyed. If I had a magical gift, I would wish to be able to grant happiness.

  13. I do enjoy magical realism in books and this sounds very interesting. Good question about the magical gift. Sometimes I think a good one would be to be able to make people understand (and feel) other's points of view.
