Saturday, May 11, 2024

Review & Giveaway - - Three Little Wishes

Three Little Wishes
by Debbie Mason
Sunshine Bay - Book 2
Publisher: Forever
Release Date: May 7, 2024
Reviewed by PJ

Nothing gets Willow Rosetti down. She adores everything about her life in Sunshine Bay, particu
larly the close proximity to her beloved family and her job as a meteorologist. So when she finds out Channel 5 may close and she and her coworkers will be out of work, she goes behind her family’s back to call her estranged aunt, a famous actress. Willow has never met her aunt and has no idea why her family disowned her, but she’s hopeful Camilla can deliver the ratings they need to convince Noah Elliot, the station’s gorgeous and grumpy owner, to save Channel 5.

When Camilla Monroe learns her niece Willow is trying to contact her, she fears the worst—that her secret has finally come out. Distracted, she doesn’t see the e-bike in the road. Now a case of amnesia has Camilla back in Sunshine Bay, and she’s getting Willow into one mess after another.  
With a little bit of scheming and a whole lot of heart, this unlikely duo might just have the summer of a lifetime, saving the station, healing their fractured family, and even paving the way for love.

PJ's Thoughts:

Debbie Mason takes readers back to Sunshine Bay and the Rosetti family with a new tale filled with unexpected twists, long-held secrets, laugh-out-loud humor, and heart-tugging emotion. It's everything I expect - and enjoy - when reading a Mason novel. 

I love the dynamics among the women in the Rosetti family - the focal point of this series - the complex relationships, the layers within each of the women, the steadfast bonds among Willow and her two cousins, and the unexplained estrangement among their grandmother, mothers, and aunt. Mason took time to give each character the attention and development they deserved. That also included Noah and his teenage sister, Riley. In fact, the relationship between by-the-book, 15-year-old Riley and mischievous, 40-something Cami (who, because of amnesia, thinks she's 17 for the first half of the book) was one of my favorite parts. 

Willow and Cami are the Rosetti women who evolved the most in this book. I appreciated the complexities of each of their situations as well as their places within the Rosetti family. Or, in Cami's case, outside the family. I really enjoyed watching the growth of both of these women; with Cami as she worked to mend the rift between her, her sisters, and her mother and with Willow as she worked to find her calling and prove her worth. One of the facets of Mason's writing that I especially enjoy is her willingness to dig deep into emotionally fraught and thought-provoking situations. 

The romantic relationship between Willow and Noah is also an important part of this book and one that I enjoyed. Mason is so good at threading together multiple relationships in her books without causing confusion or sacrificing the importance of any one singular relationship. Whether it's friends, co-workers, siblings, mothers and daughters, other extended family, or romantic couples, each gets the attention it deserves and each has the necessary thread to form a complete tapestry. Things got pretty messy at times (just like real life) and there were places in the book where I had no clue how it would all work out - for any of the characters - but, of course, Mason guided them expertly forward to a heartfelt, believable conclusion with laughter and tears along the way. I'm already looking forward to whatever she has planned for this family next. 

Three Little Wishes can be read as a standalone but for a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the Rosetti family, I would recommend reading book one, Summer on Sunshine Bay, first (Click the title to read my review).

Have you read Debbie Mason yet?

What books are on your summer reading list?

Do you enjoy multiple-generation stories or do you prefer books that focus on only one couple? 

One randomly chosen person who posts a comment before 11:00 PM, May 13 and follows @ReadForeverPub at either Facebook or Instagram will receive a print copy of Three Little Wishes from Forever Publishing. To be entered into the giveaway, you must  include your social media handle in your comment and at which social media platform(s) you follow Forever.

* U.S. and Canada only
* Must be 18 


  1. I like both. And I have read Debbie. Too many books on my wishlist to name. Thanks for the chance to win this one. Happy Mother's Day to all.

    1. Not able to get to @ReadForeverPub on facebook. My name on fb is Pat Lieberman.

    2. Did you click the link in this post? It should take you directly to their Facebook page.

    3. Link at top of this post brings to a site on fb that just says forever, the pink link does nothing when I click on it.

  2. I have read Debbie Mason novels which are very enjoyable. Multiple generation stories are very appealing and interest me greatly. I am looking forward to reading so many new books this summer.
    A Death in Cornwall by Daniel Silva, Swan Song, Wives like Us and Jacqueline Winspear.

  3. I love her books, I'm looking forward to reading The Summer Swap
    by Sarah Morgan, just waiting for it to come in.

  4. I have read Debbie's books. I enjoy multi-generational stories.


  5. I have read Debbie Mason, but it has been a while.
    This sounds like the perfect summer read. Others on my list to read are The Best Life Book Club by Sheila Roberts, The Love Remedy by Elizabeth Everett, The Pink Pistol Sisterhood Series, and a variety of mysteries.
    I like both single couple and multigenerational stories. The multigenerational stories often offer a richer and deeper story.
    facebook - Patricia Barraclough
    Instagram - patriciabarraclough

  6. I haven't read any yet

    Rose Ward

  7. I like the sound of this story. I do enjoy generational stories.. After all we do not all pop up like weeds. We have generations somewhere in our families. Thanks for the review. I believe I have read a book by Ms Mason and enjoyed it. But, it has been awhile. Happy Mother's Day to everyone even if your child is a fur baby, you have to be a good mama.

  8. I haven't read any of Debbie's books (yet) but I do enjoy family stories, so this looks like the kind I'd enjoy. I'd already liked Forever Pub on FB. Right now I'm making my way thru Jillian Hunter's Bocastle series, so I'll follow it by reading something contemporary (I like to switch between genres) - maybe I'll read some of Debbie's next?

  9. I've read several of Debbie's books and loved them! One of my summer goals is to get caught up and read some of the books on my TBR instead of just adding to it, we'll see how that goes..... I'm following on Instagram as @not_agoodwitch

  10. I'm so excited to read Three Little Wishes! I love every one of Debbie Mason's books! My summer reading list consists of Sheila Roberts, Debbie Mason and Mary Kay Andrews. And I do follow Read Forever Pub on Facebook as Jody Hunt.

  11. Love Debbie Mason’s books! Love multigenerational stories, love the dysfunction in the families! There are so many good books coming out this summer!! I wish I was retired!! I follow forever on facebook and instagram as Shari Drehs Bartholomew
