Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing all of my U.S. followers a 

safe, happy, and blessed Thanksgiving holiday.

I'm thankful for each and every one of you. 

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

One person who comments before

11:00 PM, November 30

will receive a package of

books and swag.

(U.S. addresses only)

(Must be 18 or older)


  1. I'm so thankful for my family. As I get older I am so happy to see my grandchildren becoming caring, thoughtful and loving young adults.

  2. P J, Thank you for the lovely thoughts. And same back at ya. It is shocking to me to see that this year is nearly over. And during 2019 you have introduced me to many new to me authors and you have provided wonderful reviews which give me a true sense of what a book is.

    So, this blog is something for which I am very thankful. I hope your day is filled with joy, peace and good food.

    1. Thank you, Annette! I'm so glad you enjoy your time here.

  3. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! U am very grateful to be warm and safe in my own home, with good food and the good company of my cats and my books.

    1. You paint a lovely picture, Virginia. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! Hoping everyone has a safe and fun holiday. I'm grateful for family - going to visit my 7-month old great niece for the weekend - looking forward to getting to know her.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving PJ!! I'm grateful that I live in beautiful NC and not back in NY shoveling snow!!

  6. The typical things such as family, friends and health. But I need to stress my thankfulness for my health. Over the past 4 years, I've been hospitalized several times and spent weeks on ends in rehab-assisted living facilities. But it has been 2 years now without a hospital stay so I am extremely thankful for that. Now I just hope I can continue this pattern. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

    1. I'm so glad to read that great health update, Karen!

  7. My kids. They have done so much for me this year. A Surprise birthday party. Coming home for mole removal that was cancerous. They did get it all. They all chipped in to help buy a car as the old one died. Then today it was. "OK Mom, what do you want us to do now." I was directing and they were doing. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    1. What wonderful children you have, Pamela. Great testament to their mom! <3

  8. Happy Thanksgiving PJ!! I'm grateful the artery blockages were caught and one was stented before we went on our trip to Paris. So now I will be around a while longer and can watch my new granddaughter (3 months old) grow up for a while. I'm also grateful for my hubby, the pup, and my kids who are always there to support me and help me whenever I ask.

    1. Yikes! I didn't know about the blockages! I'm so very grateful for your doctors, Eileen. We want to keep you around for a long time!

  9. Hi PJ, Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. I'm thankful to have my loving family around me.

    1. So nice to be surrounded by loving family on the holidays.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for many things like authors, their stories, and for blogs that introduce me to the former two. But today I am particularly thankful for something else. There was a recent rift in the family that felt so serious that I feared it would be permanent. I am grateful that I was wrong, the two sides managed to talk and to bridge the difficulty. Thank heavens!

    1. Now that's a wonderful Thanksgiving blessing. <3

  11. Unexpected blessings.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. Happy Thanksgiving, PJ! I'm so grateful for health, family and friends, and books! (And book friends ;) )

  13. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    1. Thank you. I had a lovely day. Hope you did too!

  14. I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving sharing food, fun, and laughter with family and friends. I am grateful for my family and so very thankful that all are well and happy. Health and happiness are worth more than anything.

  15. Happy thanksgiving PJ! My brother lives in another country. We haven't seen each other in 5 years. He is here with me right now and I am thankful I got to see him.

  16. Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for my wonderful family and especially the little ones who brighten my day.

  17. I am happy for good health after suffering with major difficulties for years. Books give me great pleasure.

  18. There are a lot of of things to be thankful for this year! I'll keep tge list short and stick with my family, friends, and pets.

  19. My family and friends.

  20. This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my faith, family, friends, and football team (LSU.)
