Thursday, June 20, 2024

Review & Giveaway - - 15 Summers Later

15 Summers Later
by RaeAnne Thayne
Publisher: Canary Street Press
Release Date: June 18, 2024
Reviewed by PJ

15 summers ago, everything changed…

Ava Howell seemed to have it all. She moved away from Emerald Creek, Idaho, married the love of her life and published a bestselling memoir. But she never expected that her husband would feel so betrayed by a secret from her past—the truth of what happened to her and her sister all those years ago—that he’d walk away. Now Ava is back home and trying to move on with the only person who can truly understand…

Following years of healing, Madison Howell is finally happy. After college she built a no-kill shelter where she works with animals every day, and she’s in love with the town veterinarian, Dr. Luke Gentry. But she can’t ever bring herself to tell him. Years ago, his dad died protecting Madi and her sister, so how could he ever love her back? 

With the truth laid bare, and the past that Ava and Madison have worked so hard to leave behind threatening everything they have built for themselves, the Howell sisters’ reunion is bittersweet. And as Ava and Madi attempt to remedy the rifts in their lives and reconcile their futures, they must face the demons of their past together.

PJ's Thoughts:

If you're a working person you may want to wait until the weekend to read this book. Once I started reading, there was no way I was going to be able to put it down until I reached the end. It is compelling, heart-wrenching, heart-tugging, and just plain unputdownable. 

This is a book about family, betrayal, resilience, grief, healing, hope, and love. It plays out in present time with excerpts from Ava's book giving readers a look into the events of fifteen years ago, events that led to Ava and Madi, once inseparable, going in different directions, events that changed their lives forever. That changed Luke's family forever. I was riveted by those excerpts, by what those young people, now adults, experienced and by how they were still impacted fifteen years later, as much as I was immersed in their present-day journeys. They felt like people I knew and cared about - that's how invested I became in their lives, in their happiness. 

RaeAnne Thayne is an exceptionally skilled author who seems to outpace her capacity for excellence with each book she writes. She has the ability to reach into the hearts of her characters and her readers, touching us at our very core. That is especially true with this newest book. It touched me deeply.


Have you read RaeAnne Thayne?

Madi runs an animal rescue in this story. Have you ever worked at or with a rescue? 

This book includes both a friends-to-lovers trope as well as a marriage-in-trouble trope. How do you feel about these tropes?

One randomly chosen person who posts a comment before 11:00 PM, June 22 will receive a print copy of 15 Summers Later.

*U.S. only
*Must be 18
*Anonymous comments must include a name, screen name, or email address within the comment to be entered in the giveaway.

Content warnings below. Please be aware these contain spoilers about events in the book.
Content Warning: cults, death, traumatic brain injury, miscarriage


  1. I am not a person who would be able to work for any rescue group. I would simply take everyone home with me, problem solved. Similar situations have caused me to have many pets in my life. And it is a disease that is hereditary. I have not yet read anything by Ms Thayne. I believe I have one of her books on my Kindle. I have certain situations which would make me step away from a story. Marriages in pain would be one of them. Friends to lovers are generally sweet so would not be any problem. Thanks for the review. It sounds like an interesting story.

  2. I have rescued several dogs and love them dearly. I could not work in a rescue. I have read this author's books which are very enjoyable. Tropes which I enjoy are mature love, locating a long lost friend and friends to lovers.

  3. I am so excited for this book, RaeAnne Thayne is one of my favorite authors. I have never worked for a rescue, but have rescued several animals and they fit in perfectly with our little farm!

  4. I have read about some of RaeAnne's books but haven't read one yet. I really need to remedy this. I have not worked at an animal rescue place, but I have adopted rescue cats. I do like friends to lovers reads but am usually sad by the marriage in trouble books.

    1. Commented as Linda May to above comment.

  5. I never worked at a rescue place but I think it would be a great place to work. I love Rae Ann's books. Thanks for your great generosity.

  6. I have read her. And actually I met her at RAGT (Reader and Authors Get Together).

  7. It's been too many years since I read one of RaeAnne Thayne's book. This one sounds wonderful. I haven't worked at an animal rescue, but my aging pup is a rescue, and all of my cats have been rescues. Someone it doesn't make them any less entitled!

  8. I have read her books. I haven't worked with a rescue (allergies). I'm fine with those tropes.


  9. I have read RaeAnne Thayne before I would love to win a copy

    Rose Ward

  10. I have two of her books on my TBR pile and hope to get to them soon. I was talked into joining a zoom book club. I am curious what type of ooks they are interested in reading, but this author and this book sound perfect to me for a book club read.
    We have supported animal shelters everywhere we have lived. All our cats (8) and dogs (14) have been rescues. We did fostering of puppy litters and other animals that needed help for almost 10 years for our local animal shelter.
    Both of these tropes deal with real issues in today's world. It is interesting to see how authors and characters deal with them. If it is an issue you or someone you know is dealing with, it may be helpful to gain a bit of insight and understanding.

    1. This would be a perfect novel for a book club. Lots of meaty topics to discuss.

  11. I haven't ready any of RaeAnne Thayne's books. I do have them in my TBR. This one sounds wonderful. I haven't worked at an animal rescue due to allergies!

  12. I love that so many of you are living or have lived with rescue animals. All of my dogs were rescues and they were the best companions. I'd empty the shelters if I had the space.

  13. I have not yet read the book, but pre-ordered it for my 84 year old Mother. She says its been so hot she hasn't felt like doing anything (except the 2-3 hours of work she does in her garden every morning). But she sat down Friday morning and began the book. She said it was very well written and a very good story and finishing it was the first thing she'd felt like doing in a long time.

  14. Most of our animals came from different situations where they were a burden or rescued from a bad situation. I don’t think I could work at a rescue place. My heart would break for each animal that came through the door. I just finished sleigh bells ring.
