Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Review - - Royal Caleva: Luis

Royal Caleva: Luis
by Nancy Herkness
Royal Caleva - Book 2
Publisher: Tabby Brothers Press
Release Date: June 25, 2024
Reviewed by PJ

A second chance romance, Cinderella story…but for the king, not the prince.

Luis, king of the exotic island country of Caleva, is stunned to discover that he has a daughter he never knew existed. He is determined to bring his newfound child into his life and that of the royal family. To do that, he knows he must win over her adoptive mother.

Eve, single-mom vet tech in the heartland of Iowa, is concerned when a mysterious stranger sets up a secret meeting. The shocking truth that is revealed upends her life, as she and her adopted daughter are swept off to Caleva and wrapped in the luxurious, privileged world of royalty.

But there’s an unexpected complication: passion flares between Eve and Luis.

She isn’t queen material, and he has sworn never to wed again, so their affair can have no happily-ever-after…or can it?

If you were rooting for Queen Clarisse to find her true love in The Princess Diaries, you’ll love Eve and Luis’s story. Read Royal Caleva: Luis to feel all the feels of two single parents trying to protect their shared daughter, while struggling to find their own happiness with each other.

PJ's Thoughts:

In the mood for a silver-fox, royal romance? Do I have the book for you. In the second book of her Royal Caleva series, Nancy Herkness brings readers a mature romance between Luis, the widowed King of Caleva and Eve, a divorced, single-mom, Vet Tech from Iowa whose adopted daughter has a shocking - and previously unknown - connection to Caleva's royal family. 

I've always had a soft spot for fairytales and I don't believe they are only for the young. Nor do I believe that people "of a certain age" have passed the time to feel those wonderfully tingly, falling in love feelings. Which is why I enjoyed seeing Luis and Eve emerge from past heartbreak and betrayal to find one another and, eventually, their happily ever after in this newest Royal Caleva story. 

I love seeing this island country come to life through the author's descriptions. I really do feel as if I'm actually there as I'm reading these books. Her descriptions are such that they create a sense of place that is completely immersive, whether that's in a secluded cove, a luxurious palace, or a highly-guarded prison. Yes, there is a villain in this story. Actually, two. Devious, obsessed, remorseless people bent on revenge add another layer of intensity, and emotion, to the journey these characters are navigating. 

Relationships are key elements of this book and Herkness does them so well. The slowly developing romantic relationship between Eve and Luis is swoony, romantic, and enduring. But there are also familial relationships that are equally important. Both Eve and Luis are caring, involved parents for whom family is everything. I enjoyed seeing both of them in that role, especially Luis. As King, one could expect him to perhaps be a bit removed but the opposite is true. Yes, he is a good - and firm - ruler, but he is also a caring man who, in regards to his family, wears his heart on his sleeve. And Eve is a total "mama bear" when it comes to her daughter's well being and happiness. I was in her corner the entire way. Actually, I was cheering both of them on. 

I am already eager to return to Caleva for the next book in this series. Prince Raul needs his happy ending. So does Mikel, the palace's enigmatic head of security, and now there's a brand new member of the family. I'm nowhere near ready to bid farewell to this beautiful island country or the family at its heart. 

You don't need to read book one, Royal Caleva: Gabriel (read my review) in order to enjoy Royal Caleva: Luis but I think you'll have a better understanding of the royal family, and Luis, if you do. 


  1. I like fairy tales too. I like the idea of being a princess and wearing one of those lovely dresses with the big fluffy skirt. I would not like to clean and iron that sort of dress, but I guess if you are a princess you have people for that. Thanks for the review. It is nice to know that older people can be the hero and heroine of love stories.

  2. Thanks for the great review! Books 1 & 2 are on my list!

  3. I really enjoy a book that the hero and heroine are older ( a certain age). They bring experience and wisdom to the story and who does not enjoy a fairytale.

  4. Wonderful review. As someone who has read both books, I totally agree about the wonderful descriptions, the sensuous and second chance love story, and suspense peppered throughout this series. Herkness never disappoints!
