Friday, June 14, 2024

Review & Giveaway - - The Summer Escape

The Summer Escape
by Jill Shalvis
The Sunrise Cove Series - Book 6
Publisher: Avon
Release Date: June 11, 2024
Reviewed by PJ

Anna Moore didn’t just wake up one day and decide to go on a wild questespecially since her life no longer lends itself to wild anything—so how in the world does she end up racing against the clock with Owen Harris, a sexy, enigmatic adventurist, to prove her beloved dad innocent of stealing a million-dollar necklace? 

It’s all Wendy’s fault. Her older, bossy sister, who’s seven months pregnant and on bed rest in their small Lake Tahoe hometown, is desperate to clear their departed dad’s name. Owen, though, is convinced he’s guilty as hell and wants to return the jewelry back to its rightful owner—his elderly great aunt. Together Anna and Owen go on a scavenger hunt for clues to the past (with Wendy remotely along for the ride via an earbud, supplying a running wry commentary to boot).  

On opposing sides and suspicious of each other as they are, Anna and Owen still can’t deny the inexplicable and explosive chemistry between them on this heart-stopping adventure, the outcome of which will prove the necklace isn’t the only thing stolen—their hearts have been as well.

PJ's Thoughts:

The Summer Escape, the sixth (standalone) book in the Sunrise Cove series, is going straight to my personal Jill Shalvis Hall of Fame. In fact, I'd go so far as to say it's one of my top five all-time Shalvis favorites. I've already read it twice. I have no doubt I'll visit it again. It double checked all of my happy reader boxes. 

Shalvis has packed this book with everything I enjoy about her writing and them some. The book is perfectly paced. At no point in the reading did it lag or lose my interest. The snappy banter between Anna and Owen barely conceals the growing chemistry between them in an adversaries-to-lovers trope that evolves into sleuthing partners before pesky feelings show up to play and things get real. I loved these two and the way their relationship unfolded, especially with Anna's sister along for the ride. 

Let's talk about Wendy, Anna's bedridden-bored-out-of-her-mind-enornously-pregnant-with-triplets older sister. I adored the dynamics between these two. Love, snarky humor, exasperation...did I mention love? Their bond is unbreakable but also contains issues that need to be worked through. Such is the case when the older sibling has not only been your mother figure since birth but is also an unapologetic meddler/matchmaker (she just wants her sister to be happy!). Shalvis gives us all the emotion between the sisters, wrapping it up in a way that's poignant, relatable, and laugh-out-loud hilarious. Seriously, I lost count of the number of times I snort laughed when these two hit the page. 

There's also a mystery/adventure/treasure hunt element to this book that kept me on my toes right up to the breath-stealing conclusion. I'd like to see Shalvis do more of this. She's really good at it. 

And finally, is it really a Jill Shalvis book without an animal? I think not. Meet Turbo, Owen's big, fluffy, overly enthusiastic dog who is terrified of stairs, metal grates, and cats. I dare you to not fall in love with him. 

If you're looking for a fun getaway this summer, complete with romance, adventure, a bit of danger, snappy banter, laugh-out-loud humor, and endearing emotional depth, add The Summer Escape by Jill Shalvis to your reading list. It's a winner. 

Have you read Jill Shalvis?

Do you enjoy sibling dynamics in books?

Do you have a pet? I'd love to hear about him/her.

One randomly chosen person who posts a comment before 11:00 PM, June 16 will receive a print copy of The Summer Escape.

*U.S. only

*Must be 18

*Anonymous posters must include a name, screen name, or email address in their comment to be included in the giveaway.



  1. I have read two books of Jill Shalvis and have three more in my TBR pile. I enjoy sibling dynamics but prefer the sisters to be supportive of each other rather than adversaries or rivals.i have a golden doodle named Georgie. He is our second doodle and he is a moosh - playful, lovable and affectionate.

    1. These two sisters are very supportive but they're also sisters so... ;-)

  2. I have read many of Jill Shalvis novels which I have enjoyed greatly. Sibling dynamics are a real component in life and when I read about them I hope that they will be portrayed realistically and well. I have an adorable, sweet, and loving rescue dog who is smart, energetic and devoted. I have had a number of small rescues who live long lives, are extremely aware and tuned into whom to know, trust and love. A 15 pound sweetheart named Bogie who has captured my heart.

  3. I have read Jill's books, but not in a while - I have some catching up to do. Sibling relationships are a great way to link I series.

    1. The great thing about her current series is that the only common thread among the books is the setting. Each book really is a standalone and readers are able to jump in at any point.

  4. It's been way to long since I've read a Jill Shalvis novel. I'm going to have to squeeze this one in. And my poor, tired, pooch hates the summer heat and is absolutely dreading the 4th of July!

    1. I have loved all the books in her current series. They're a women's fiction/romance blend.

  5. I have read her books. I do enjoy sibling dynamics. No pets, just boys.


    1. I grew up with four younger brothers. Sometimes, pets are easier. lol

  6. My favorite Jill Shalvis book is Always on my Mind from the Lucky Harbor Series which was published a while ago. I've read most of her other books before and since. I enjoy family stories and snarkiness. We have two big, fuzzy Standard Poodles who are both rescues and who think they are comedians. One can open doors and the other is simply put, a bit of punk.

    1. Oh, that was a good book! I had to laugh at your poodle descriptions. I'm currently sharing my life with a cat who is a bit of a punk. lol

  7. I love her books! I've got 2 cats and dog. Most of my typos are a result of my cats lying on my arms or sitting on my computer of course. ;-) My golden retriever thinks he's a lap dog and is happiest when he is with one of us - he is a true Covid pup complete with separation anxiety.

    1. I think all retrievers think they're lap dogs. I know, my Labs always did. For that matter, so did my Rottweiler. :)

  8. I love Jill's books as well as family in the stories. I have no pets.

    1. The family dynamic in this book is wonderful. Also hilarious.

    2. I am a fan from way back & have a whole shelf of Jill Shalvis books! Books with siblings are great! No pets for now, but when the kids were young we had hamsters and rabbits! Thanks for the review, PJ!

    3. Jill has a wonderful sense of humor, and passes that in her books. Have not read her blog in awhile, but they are hilarious.

  9. I think I've read pretty much every one of Jill Shalvis' books and have enjoyed them all. She has the sibling thing down to a science in her books, which I love. I have two furry nephews... chocolate lab Wonka, who is almost 14, and then black lab Brady, who is 7. They are each their hooman's support animals and vice versa. Brady went gray overnight when my niece left for college. The way he acts when she comes home is like she's been away for years. It's so heartwarming. He literally crawls into her lap and won't leave her alone.

  10. I have read Jill Shalvis, but it has been a long time since then. Sibling dynamics can add much to a story. Those relationships vary so widely, it gives an author much to work with and incorporate in a story. I love the description of Turbo. We have always had pets/animals of one sort or another in our home, all of them rescues. My favorite were our first two dogs. One a beagle mix and then a lab mix. Both sweet girls graced us with their company for 17 years. We currently have three dogs. One is an 8 or so year old that was found dumped in the woods last year. She is just sort of there. She is finally warming up to my husband. We know she was a used. Our son's two dogs are part time residents. One is a year old and still very much a puppy. She is sweet, but a chewer. She barks at the cats, but if they stand up to her, she is afraid of them. She is supposed to be some sort of hound but is black with a greyhound slim body. His other dog is a geriatric pit bull. She is arthritic and doesn't do much but sleep anymore. She is a sweetheart and getting more grey every day. We have acquired several outside cats. A neighbor moved and left them. She had a nice little calico that liked me and would curl up in my lap when I sat outside. That is the only cat she took with her. Most days we have 3 and sometimes a 4th shows up. There were 6 or 7 when she left. Only one is approachable and does try to come into the house. She comes over and wants us to pet her. The others run off when we come out, but they ae getting less skittish.

  11. I don't have any pets

    Rose Ward

  12. I have not read any books by Ms Shalvis, but I have several in my to be read stack. I like stories which include relationships between siblings. But, I am not fond of ugliness between sibs. I have lived with pets as long as I can remember. I am a huge fan of animals in general and ones who live with me in particular. I had a perfect dog. He had heart issues and died before I was ready for him to leave me. My son believed that I went into a dark time of sorrow. He was right ( I hate when that happens). He got a dog for me. He brought him to me in Austin from the Phoenix shelter.
    I believed that my son must hate me. The dog lifted his leg on everything in my house. I would be scrubbing a spot and he would look me in the eye and go forth to destroy. I promised him I would kill him in his sleep. He did not believe me. For no particular reason, he stopped. God is great. Now, he is funny and silly and believes that his mission in life is to slide on wooden floors, steal shoes so he can pile them up and most of all carry his soft toys around so he can pile them up. He has this chicken who crows like a rooster. He is happy and smiling all the time and I have fallen under his spell of charm and warped sense of humor.
    I guess I need to find a good Jill Shalvis book to read so Scotty can sit next to me and put his head in my lap. Thanks for the wonderful review. You always give me a book to desire, to find and read.

  13. I love Jill Shalvis Sunrise Cove series and have been looking forward to this book. Can't wait to read it.
