Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Review, Q&A, & Giveaway - - The Crown Conspiracy

The Crown Conspiracy
by Connie Mann
A Speranza Team Novel - Book 1
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
Release Date: June 4, 2024
Reviewed by PJ

She’s a master at spotting a forgery . . . and knowing how to create one. But can she solve a decades-old mystery?

The media spotlight is the last thing art thief and forger Sophie Williams needs. But when one of three long-missing royal portraits turns up in Germany at her best friend’s art gallery, the spotlight is 
exactly what she gets. Since the tragic deaths of Princess Johanna of Neuhansberg and her two children forty years ago, the whereabouts of these portraits have been unknown . . . and the timing of their reappearance—just days before a new prince’s coronation—reignites questions surrounding the infamous accident.

Then Sophie’s best friend vanishes, and a rumor about hidden treasure connected to the paintings surfaces, seemingly confirmed by a cryptic message on the back of the first canvas. Convinced that finding the other two portraits will lead to her friend, Sophie begins a twisty investigation that pits her against other ruthless treasure hunters, a handsome investigator who seems to dog her trail at every turn, and a mysterious group that offers help, wearing an emblem identical to one on the painting.

From Germany’s grand castles and soaring cathedrals through the Alps to the canals of Venice, Sophie must choose her allies carefully if she hopes to find the portraits, rescue her best friend—and perhaps save a throne—before time runs out.

PJ's Thoughts:

Do yourself a favor. Don't begin reading this book at night unless you have a burning desire to still be awake when the sun rises the next morning. Or you're a speed reader in which case you'll only be awake half the night. 

Connie Mann has created a compelling, immersive, high-intensity thriller that reeled me in and refused to let go. Reading this book was like watching a movie in my mind; a high-stakes, dangerous, adventure-packed game of cat and mouse that plays out from glittering German ballrooms to high-speed boat races along Venetian canals to isolated mountain cottages to royal castles. I could not put it down.

Mann expertly weaves together numerous threads, keeping me on my toes trying to figure out how - or if - they relate to one another while introducing characters who may - or may not - be on the side of our protagonist. I love complex storylines and multi-layered characters that keep me guessing and this book does just that, from the intriguing introduction right up to the explosive conclusion. 

At the heart of this story - aside from Sophie's frantic search for the lost paintings, possible human trafficking, missing (kidnapped?) friends, an art investigator on her heels (who is too smart and handsome for his own good), and a royal coronation - is women helping women. I love the relationship between Sophie and Lise, especially as we learn more about their history. Then there's Lise's work with the homeless women in her city. And finally, there are the women of Speranza. What a fascinating group of women from all walks of life. I can't wait to discover more about them as this series progresses. 

If you're in the mood for a high-octane, thrilling chase that will keep you eagerly turning pages right up until the end, check out Connie Mann's The Crown Conspiracy. I loved it!

Q&A with Connie Mann

What fun to be back at The Romance Dish! Thanks so much for having me. I’m so excited about THE CROWN CONSPIRACY. Here’s what it’s about: 

She’s a master at spotting a forgery . . . and knowing how to create one. But can she solve a decades-old mystery?                                       

The media spotlight is the last thing art thief and forger Sophie Williams needs. But when one of three long-missing royal portraits turns up in Germany at her best friend’s art gallery, the spotlight is exactly what she gets. Since the tragic deaths of Princess Johanna of Neuhansberg and her two children forty years ago, the whereabouts of these portraits have been unknown . . . and the timing of their reappearance—just days before a new prince’s coronation—reignites questions surrounding the infamous accident.                                                                                                  

Then Sophie’s best friend vanishes, and a rumor about hidden treasure connected to the paintings surfaces, seemingly confirmed by a cryptic message on the back of the first canvas. Convinced that finding the other two portraits will lead to her friend, Sophie begins a twisty investigation that pits her against other ruthless treasure hunters, a handsome investigator who seems to dog her trail at every turn, and a mysterious group that offers help, wearing an emblem identical to one on the painting.  

From Germany’s grand castles and soaring cathedrals through the Alps to the canals of Venice, Sophie must choose her allies carefully if she hopes to find the portraits, rescue her best friend—and perhaps save a throne—before time runs out.


Q&A with Connie Mann 

1.     How did you come up with the idea for The Crown Conspiracy?

I love adventure stories, especially those involving treasure hunts and secret societies. Add in a castle or two, and I’m hooked. But a few years ago, I realized that too often, women were mainly supporting cast in these stories. They weren’t the ones saving the day and changing the world. So I started dreaming and imagining. What if there was a team of strong, flawed, compassionate, determined women who make a difference in this world, especially by helping other women? What if they were part of a centuries-old, women-only secret society whose symbol and name meant hope? All those what-ifs became The Crown Conspiracy and the Speranza team.

2.     Who is your favorite character in the book and why?

Sophie Williams, the heroine of this story, is an artist, but she also copies/forges artwork, which fascinated me. I spent lots of time researching how that works. She is a talented artist in her own right – though she doesn’t believe in her own talents. Instead, she is all about righting wrongs, just like her parents. She copies stolen paintings and then quietly switches them out, returning the originals to the rightful owners. How cool is that?

3.     What was your favorite scene to write in The Crown Conspiracy?

One of my favorite scenes is when Sophie – disguised as an older, rich society matron – gets pulled into a dance by Mac, the handsome, too-observant art investigator who is searching for Munich’s art thief. Fun, flirty banter is one of my favorite things to write.


4.     What do you hope readers will take away from this story?

While the Speranza team is fictional, I believe it exists in spirit. Women have always banded together around common causes and helped each other make a difference in this world. These informal teams have always been about hope and shining light in the darkness. I want this book to encourage women to keep working together, and even more, to have the courage to step out and use their specific gifts and talents to change the world for the better.


Have you read any of Connie Mann's books yet?

Are you, or have you been, part of a group of women that works to make a difference in the lives of other women?

Connie is giving away a print copy of The Crown Conspiracy to one randomly chosen person who posts a comment before 11:00 PM, June 6. (US only) Anonymous comments must include a name, screen name or email address to be entered in the giveaway.


For all the latest news, sign up for Connie’s newsletter at: or follow her on Facebook or Instagram.



  1. This is the kind of book I'm into at the moment. For the longest time I belonged to a group that did things for the community with a big interest in women and children and older people.

  2. Ms Mann is a new to me author. I was part of a group of women who adopted a needy family - headed by a grandmother - and we tried to lift them up from a difficult situation. We helped but it took a government agency to do the most - after we pushed. I also have been part of a group who got an election in place to fix unfair taxes. I must admit we were mostly women but also included some men. This sounds like a terrific book. I do believe in the power of small groups with goals. If I remember correctly that is how we became separate from England. Thanks for the review and interview. I have been missing something here.

  3. PJ, you made my DAY! I'm so delighted that you enjoyed The Crown Conspiracy! Thanks for a fantastic review and for helping me spread the word about this story. It's always a pleasure to be your guest.

  4. No I haven't read any of Connie's books. I tend to stay up way to late reading. It's always one more chapter over !ND over again. Good thing I am a night owl.

  5. I've read some of Connie's stories in the past but not recently. I've occasionally had the issue of having trouble putting a book down even when I'm supposed to go to sleep, but I'm willing to deal with it!

  6. Connie's books are captivating. The Crown Conspiracy sounds intriguing and special. I enjoy reading every evening.

  7. I haven't read any books yet by Connie Mann

    Rose Ward

  8. I have been reading about Connie Mann for years now, but haven't read any of the books on her Amazon page. I don't know why, but I thought she also wrote Harlequin Intrigue books before these series.
    I have belonged to several women's groups that work for society causes, many of them involving women and children. When my husband was in the military, I volunteered with Family Services on base.
    They had programs to support families as well as the military member. Currently, I belong to a GFWC women's club that supports the local domestic abuse shelter and has supported the Habitat For Humanity houses built in the community.among many other community projects. I am a Red Cross volunteer Working with disaster which helps all family members. I also volunteer with their Service To The Armed Forces which supports the military and their families.

  9. I'm probably too late to win a copy, so I'm going to have to track one down myself! I've never read Connie Mann, but that will obviously have to change. And I work with an extremely supportive group of female colleagues who do all they can to promote and encourage each other - for which I am so grateful!
