Sunday, July 4, 2010

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Wishing our fellow Americans a very safe and happy 
Independence Day!

What are your plans for today?  Parades?  Bar-B-Que?  Fireworks?  Catching up with a good book?
For those of you who don't live in the U.S., do you have a national holiday?  When is it and how do you typically celebrate?


  1. We're having a neighborhood picnic at the pool this afternoon. Hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill and everyone bringing a dish. I'm making deviled eggs and peach trifle. The weather is perfect and we have lots of terrific cooks. Should be a very good time!

  2. Happy 4th!
    Its been raining here all weekend so I'll probably be staying in with a good book today.

  3. Karen, if it was raining here I'd be following your example. Hope you have an enjoyable day! What book are you reading?

  4. We're going to my sister's house for a BBQ. Later tonight, we'll be shooting off some fireworks, and in between I'll sneak in a little reading. :-)

    Happy 4th, everyone!

  5. Your blog popped up because it had "romance" and "Life, Liberty, and Pursuit" in the title! My novel, just released, is a teen love story called "Life, Liberty, and Pursuit." Fun coincidence! :)

  6. Your blog popped up because it had "romance" and "Life, Liberty, and Pursuit" in the title! My novel, just released, is a teen love story called "Life, Liberty, and Pursuit." Fun coincidence! :)

    How cool! I'm off to check out your book. Thanks for posting about it!

  7. Happy 4th to Everyone!!!

    We have steak and chicken on the grill with all the fixins to go with it.

  8. Happy Fourth to you ladies!!!!!
    Hope it was a safe and wonderful weekend!

  9. Happy 4th ladies! Hot and sunny, cookout along with a birthday cake for my sister. Kids stayed in the pool all day with the heat, ended the night with a fireworks show by my BIL.

  10. Happy belated 4th! Yesterday we watched the fireworks from our backyard. A person owns a carpet business right down the street from us always lights off huge fireworks. ^^

