Thursday, November 7, 2013

Today's Special - - Genevieve Graham

Photography by Janice Bray

Genevieve Graham never intended to become an author but I'm so happy that she did. Her historical romances are filled with emotion, adventure and characters that are so well developed that I feel as if I can reach out and touch them.  Somewhere to Dream (Nov. 5, 2013) is her third published novel and one which once again immersed me completely in Graham's fictional world.  

Please give Genevieve Graham a warm welcome!

“Creating” Characters

Sometimes it's the craziest thing, seeing my name on book covers. I've seen it there so many times—especially now that the third novel is out—and yet it still seems surreal to me. I never imagined I'd turn out to be an author and an editor. I've always loved to read, but I wasn't consumed with a need to write until 2007, when I was deep into reading Diana Gabaldon's “Outlander” series for the zillionth time. Her stories wove themselves right into my spirit, and I guess that's how my sudden urge to create was born.

I've set her books (temporarily) aside, and now my characters constantly take over my thoughts. Creating characters is an interesting concept to me. I'd never even thought about doing that before I started. Once I'd started, I panicked, wondering how on earth I was going to produce an entirely new “person” and make them real. Then I learned something very important. I don't create the characters. I simply need to sit back, wait, and listen for them to introduce themselves to me. When a character approaches me, like Adelaide did with “Somewhere to Dream,” they come out of nowhere. They either lean gently against me, nudging me for attention, or they whisper words that I am compelled to write down before they're lost forever. It feels as if I'm meeting a real person. I understand their strengths, their weaknesses, I know what makes them laugh or cry. I know the pain they've experienced and understand how it affects who they are at that moment. I know their families and friends, their favourite colours and animals. And when I finish a book, I miss them like crazy. It's like they've moved far away. Sure, I can still visit, but it's not the same.

Plot is tougher. Maybe it's because I'm so submerged in my characters' heads that, like them, I can't see what's coming. I can't imagine what twists and turns are going to change their lives. Some authors plot ahead of time, make a kind of chart or outline that helps them see where they're going. I've tried that, and sometimes it helps me make better decisions, but usually I end up going back to change it all anyway. So I call myself a “pantser,” meaning I write by the seat of my pants. I guess that's not much of a surprise to anyone who knows me outside of writing—and to anyone who has ever seen the condition of my desk!

All of my books started out when I felt a kind of “presence” in my mind. That has given me insight into the experience my characters share whenever they are struck by a psychic moment. Andrew, Maggie, Dougal, and Adelaide can all envision the future, and all can read minds to a certain extent. Sometimes they dream of something without expecting to see anything at all, and sometimes the characters wake me from my sleep, yelling something about the plot. (That happens quite a bit—to the point that my husband bought me a pen that lights up in the dark so I wouldn't keep waking him up at 3am.) Does that make me psychic, too?

I have always believed in psychic abilities, and I've visited with quite a few psychics. My favourite was a friend of mine back in Calgary. She totally convinced me. The first time I ever met her was a month after my father had died. I hadn't told her about that, but I was barely in her door when her eyes widened with awareness. She told me the room had gone black when I'd entered, then she asked if my father had recently died. I swear I'm not making that up. She also taught some workshops, and my husband and I went on my birthday one year. One of the exercises we did was to sit across the table from each other and try to guess what was on the card the other one of us held. They were random little pictures like a dragonfly or a windmill or a record player. And you know what? He and I got every one of them right.

Ever since then, I've been a believer. I've been told I'm psychic, but that I need to practice. I have no idea what that practice would entail, and frankly, I don't have time to work on it, but I think writing has opened that world up for me in its own way.

The last time I saw my psychic friend (before I moved to Nova Scotia), she told me that all the cards said I would be a multi-published author. That was before I'd even finished my first book.

Here's a thought. Since my characters are such a part of me, I wonder if a gifted psychic could tell me about what's going to happen to them! That might help me with putting together a plot plan next time!

I've been asked if there are more stories coming in “The MacDonnell” series. I definitely think so. We met Janet MacLeod in “Under the Same Sky,” and although she has no psychic gifts, she has a thirst for adventure. Every time I see her I envision a pirate ship, but that's all so far. She's given me a few hints recently, but I think Janet's being characteristically practical. She's waiting for me to take a break from my editing business and my current WIP (work in progress) so I can open my mind to her. After that, yes. My beloved MacDonnells have also dropped a few story ideas into my head. I just need to wait and see when they'll tell me more.

It's not exactly up to me … and we've all heard how stubborn Scots can be, aye?

Everyone has psychic abilities. Do you believe that? Do you trust your intuition? Have you experienced psychic moments in your life? 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Cherokee call her Shadow Girl. A white woman adopted by Indians, Adelaide is haunted by the dark dreams she hides—of her murdered family, of the men she fears, and most of all, of the ones that foretell the future. After her visions cause her to make a terrible mistake, she renounces her power and buries her dreams deep in her soul.

Until Jesse Black is captured by the tribe. His life is spared because the Cherokee believe his warrior spirit belongs to their fallen brother. Though he hates all Indians, Adelaide illuminates their way of life for him, just as he shines light into her shadowed heart. But when her dreams return, Jesse must help her face them…or die trying…


  1. I would definitely keep the prize, but would share it with my daughters.
    I love the sound of these stories.

    1. I love sharing my romances with family and friends. I highly recommend Genevieve's books, Pat.

  2. Hi Genevieve

    I really like novels which explore the possibilities of psychic ability. I think Anne McCaffrey's Rowan series was my introduction to the genre. So much paranormal involves vampires, werewolves, demons and the like, which just turn me off. Telepathy and other mental abilities on the other hand are much closer to the real world and for me make much more interesting reading.

    I do believe that everyone has psychic ability, but for most it is suppressed after early childhood. Rupert Sheldrake for example, in his experiments on dogs, gives strong evidence for telepathy. The field of energy healing is also full of examples of remote healing and medical intuitives can actually see the 'life force' energy flowing and can remove constrictions to the flow. After practising my dowsing skills and also the Quantum Touch healing approach, I have no doubt that these abilities exist and can be awakened with practice.

    Science is also beginning to take the holographic view of mental perception seriously, which could provide a basis for understanding these effects.

    It is such a delight to meet a new author writing in this area! I will download 'Under the sky' from Amazon today. I hope your other books will be available for download on Amazon soon. Are you also considering the audio format .... It is my favourite.

    1. Funny you should mention dogs - I brought in a Reiki master for my last dog, who was dying from pancreatic cancer. He died two days later, but for that one day following the treatment, he lived like a puppy. It was a beautiful thing to watch.

      All my books are on Amazon as well as other sites and major bookstores. Penguin hasn't created audio books yet, but I'm hoping they will soon! Thanks for your comment.

  3. this prize would be for my daughter-in-law who would appreciate it greatly. Your novel sounds captivating and very unique. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. Good luck, traveler! Genevieve's novels are very captivating and also unique. I love getting lost in her stories.

  4. I would keep it. :) Sounds great.

  5. I believe everyone has institution.

    1. I also think we all have some degree of intuition. Some are just a little more highly developed than others.

  6. Debfransen
    I would love to get one of your novels as a gift. After I read my books I give them to charities for people to read while getting cancer treatments or during hospital stays, and old folks homes. You wouldn't believe how many older women love to read these stories.

    1. I love the idea of leaving them at places like that. What a great way to share and bring happiness to others.

  7. Hi Genevieve! Thanks for being here today. As you already know, I'm a fan of your books. You have a talent for completely immersing me in your stories and give me such a realistic feel for time and place. This is especially true of Somewhere to Dream which is set in an area where I've lived for the better part of the past twenty years.

    I believe we all have psychic potential. It's just a matter of how well we hone that ability. I know I've had several 'episodes' as did my mother before me.

    Glad to hear the news about Janet! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a book of her own one of these days. :)

    1. It'll take a bit ... I'm still looking for time to finish the one I'm on now, but I hope to have good news soon. Thanks!

  8. I would keep the books but let my daughter borrow them lol. CD's could be borrowed too. Think I would keep the other goodies :) I've not read you as yet but these sound just like the kind of stories I enjoy the most!!

  9. Hi, Genevieve! Welcome and congrats on your new release! If PJ loves it, I'm sure to love it, too. : )

    I believe that we all have some form of intuition. If I have a gut feeling that something is bad/wrong, I heed that feeling. It has been beneficial to me on quite a few occasions.

  10. I have not read your work before but have heard a lot of good things about your books. I must check them out. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  11. LOL... Since I haven't read any of Genevieve's books, I'd keep the books but "regift" the rest :) Thanks for sharing!

  12. I'd share, with the understanding that after the book was read, it'd be loaned back to me to read..

    1. Oh boy, have I lost a lot of books through lending them out! But I just keep replacing them ... lol

  13. I haven't read any of your books yet so it would be nice to start soon... I love winning! I get all my dogs thru the shelter the newest is a Great peranese who is so mellow everyone loves him and he loves everyone only thing is his deep bark but that's ok especially when he talks back to


  14. I do trust my instincts. My Mom always told me to "go with my gut" when deciding whether or not to do something or go somewhere. I have and still do...and I think it has helped me make wise decisions. I don't think I'm psychic and haven't had any such episodes in my life where I thought I might be psychic. But I do rely on my instincts...definitely. Thanks for asking! So glad to meet a new historical romance author as it is my fave genre for reading. And thanks for the post!

    1. I forgot to answer the question. If I were to be so lucky as to win the prize I would keep it, then read it, then pass it on so someone else could enjoy it.

  15. I've never experienced a psychic moment, but I do believe it exists.

    If I won I'd carefully read the books before giving them and everything else to my friend. She loves historical romances like I do and her hubby just built her a whole room full of bookshelves.

    Marcy Shuler

  16. I absolutely love this series. I'm so happy Genevieve decided to become an Author. I'd have to keep it to read and would then pass it on . I'm looking forward to more books in the series. :)
    Carol L

  17. I certainly believe that people can have psychic capabilities for I’ve experienced some myself. Usually, it’s just that I will think of someone and the phone will immediately ring and it’s that person. I also trust my intuition. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.

    Genevieve’s books sound wonderful and I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve not read any as yet. However, I will change that soon as I’m adding them to my TBR list.

  18. I should have added that if I’m lucky enough to win this lovely prize bundle, I would definitely keep it for myself. Yes, that’s selfish, but it’s also such a fabulous prize! :-)

  19. I think we do have some sixth sense ability, but we often convince ourselves it was all just a coincidence

  20. I believe everyone has premonitions at times. "Something" makes them choose left instead of right, a little nudge gives one the idea to call a friend you haven't spoken with to find out that friend needed you.

  21. I think that a lot of people have premonitions at times. My mom was always having them, and I have also had quite a few. There have even been times when I cancelled my plans because of a premonition, and it usually turned out correct.

    I guess I am somewhat selfish, because I would keep the prizes myself instead of giving them away.

  22. I most certainly believe in psychic abilities. Most people have it, but don't develop it. Many times most of us get a "feeling" or "know" what is going to happen. On the night before my 5th birthday I had a vivid dream about my uncle in a battle (he was in Korea in the war at the time) and he was killed. I told my family the next morning and was scolded for saying such a thing and upsetting everyone for nothing. My grandparents got the telegram that afternoon that he had been killed at the time I dreamed it. It has been that way frequently since. I often know before the phone rings that it will and often who it will be. There is an awareness of things happening to those I love even when we are not together. This doesn't happen all the time, but quite often. I haven't worked at developing this awareness. It can be a bit disconcerting.

    If I won, I would be sharing the prize with my daughters.
