Typically, when I'm asked to name my favorite season, my answer is Autumn. I love the colors, the smell of wood smoke, the crisp, clean scent of the air, and football. Especially football!

They were followed by the beautifully flowering Bradford Pear and Cherry trees.
Then last week, seemingly overnight, the dogwoods burst into bloom with their delicate white and pink flowers.
This week it's the azaleas, with their large blossoms of vibrant pink, white, red and purple.
The grass is greening, the yard is a riot of color and I LOVE IT! I feel happier, more energetic. I smile more, go for longer walks and revel in the miracle of Spring.
So, how about you? What's your favorite season? What makes it special? Have the first signs of Spring arrived in your neighborhood yet? Are you as excited about their arrival as I am this year?
Hi PJ,
ReplyDeleteAutumn is my favorite season because the comfortable weather, not too hot or cold. I do look forward to Spring and I've been seeing the signs that it has arrived. The trees have leaves and I think the pollen levels are up.
Hi Jane! Yes, pollen is a definite sign that Spring is on the way though, understandably, not one of my favorites. We've had our fair share here too. (Not so) lovely yellow dust gently settles over *everything*! The porch, the driveway, the car, the dogs. Poor dogs. Even they have been sniffling and sneezing. Hopefully, that part of the arrival of Spring is just about over!
ReplyDeleteMorning, PJ! I too love autumn and spring. Just as Jane said, the weather is great -- not too hot, not too cold.
ReplyDeleteWe have been in full swing spring here in Atlanta for a few weeks now. The layer of pollen from the pine trees is gone. Now we just have a light dusting, and that too should be gone in another week or so. Everything is in bloom. My yard is full of iris blooms, which I love.
Buffie, one of my neighbors has an Iris garden that is gorgeous. I always stop to admire when the dogs and I walk by their house in the mornings.
ReplyDeleteHi PJ!
ReplyDeleteI'd have to say Spring is my favorite season. One, the weather is no longer freezing! Two, school is almost over. And three, I love how all the pretty flowers bloom and the trees are green again! :)
Trisha, I'd say those are three very good reasons! Are you taking the summer off from school this year?
ReplyDeleteGood morning, PJ! I always love the pics you post here and on FB.
ReplyDeleteI love all the season--yes, even winter when we have tons of snow! Each has something of beauty to offer.
Spring has sprung here in Iowa! I have beautiful white and purple violets in the backyard and I told my husband I'm going to pick a little bouquet before I mow today. I love walking around the yard to see what is popping up and my bluebells looks so pretty amongst all the greenery of lily-of-the-valley and hostas. I don't have tulips any more because a pesky little ground squirrel ate all the bulbs, but am considering planting bulbs next fall so I can have that splash of color next spring.
Have a great day!
PJ, you expressed my sentiments exactly. autumn is my favorite season, although I felt cheated of Fall 09 since so much of usually brilliant blue October was rain and mud--and then that shivery winter. I too was eager for spring. I'd add forsythia and thrift to yout list of spring's harbingers. I'd put wisteria on the list too, but it looks a little anemic this year--a faded version of its usual gorgeous purple.
ReplyDeleteLove the pictures, PJ!!! I love all the seasons (yes, even winter) because each has its own significance, but summer is my favorite. I love the humidity, as I don't like dry skin, and I love going to the pool!!
ReplyDeleteDeb, you're absolutely right. Each season has something of beauty to offer. It's just that this year, Winter offered a bit more than we're used to here in the south. (I can just see you rolling your eyes and muttering..."You think you had a long Winter? Come to Iowa!") LOL! I've lived south of the Mason Dixon line a long time now but not so long that I don't remember what it was like in Michigan. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI love violets (they're about the only house plant I can keep alive) and lily-of-the-valley bring back lovely memories of my childhood. They grew wild in the woods behind our house and were my favorite flower.
Janga, I had to go look up thrift. I see those flowers all over the place here but never knew what they were called. Thanks for enlightening me! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Andrea! I like summer too!
ReplyDeleteHi ^^
ReplyDeleteMy favorite season typically tends to be fall. There is the wonderful crisp in the air, its not to hot nor cold, and most of the stuff that gives me allergies is dying. ^^
I can tell spring is here when my allergies go into overdrive after being dormant all year. lol
Yes, PJ. Three and a half months of freedom!! Plenty of time to catch up on some much needed reading! :)
ReplyDeleteMelissa, I hear you on the allergies. I've been taking allergy shots for the past two years and this is the first Spring in about 12 years that I've been able to open windows.
ReplyDeleteDrew, I love being able to open windows and let all that fresh air flow.
ReplyDeleteI have fond memories of those beautiful Indian Summer days during my growing up years in Michigan. They're like one last, special treat from Summer before closing up shop for the next six months.
Autumn is my favorite season for many of the same reasons you mentioned. Spring is a season with a double edged sword. It is lovely. I especially love a the different shades of green. However, the big problem is allergies. My DH and I have problems with tree pollen and this year is especially bad.
ReplyDeleteLibrarypat, this must be an exceptionally bad allergy season in many areas. I've heard that same thing from various friends and family members who live in different parts of the country. Makes me very grateful to my doc for recommending I start allergy shots two years ago!