Sunday, November 15, 2009

Welcome to the very first Hot Dish!!!

On the 15th of every month I will do my very best to provide you with a new Hot Dish for your viewing pleasure. It's such a tough job, but someone has to do it. Might as well be me (very big grin). I'm such a giver.

Some months I will just post a picture worth more than a thousand words (or sighs!). Other months, in addition to a picture, I will go more in depth and provide titillating tidbits regarding our Hot Dish. Either way, I do not believe you will be disappointed.

Well, enough of this gabbing. Let's get on with the task at hand.

Without further ado, I present to you the inaugural Hot Dish. I do believe this picture will provide more than a sigh or two.

Enjoy ladies!!!


  1. Buffie~

    *sigh* The only problem I find with this Hot Dish is that when I come to the comment page, the picture is gone.

    Ok, back to the picture.

    Night ladies!

  2. IA Dorthy....thats the only downside.

    Yowza! He is gorgeous.

  3. Buffie

    Huge sigh it is nearly bed time here in Oz what a picture to take to bed

    Thank you so much
    Have Fun

  4. Good Morning, ladies! I'm glad I was able to provide you with a sigh or two before heading off to bed.

    Do you want to hear something funny? I was just rereading the post and found a misspelled word. That might not be too funny, but what is funny is that THREE of us reviewed the blog before it was posted and none of us found it. Guess we were too busy looking at the picture.

    The word that is misspelled is titillating. LOL!

  5. Wow! That photo accomplished what hitting the snooze button three times on my alarm couldn't. I'm awake...and happy to be so! :)

    Thanks, Buffie!

  6. Keats was right. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever." Thanks for beginning my day most joyously, Buffie. :)

  7. WOW!! Buffie, thanks for making "our Gerry" the very first Hot Dish!!!

    That picture is just, uh..... Words fail me when I look at that body, but I just drooled on my keyboard! *g*

  8. Say is that GB??? Even if it's not, that pic is totally worthy of a HOT romance dish. *grin*

  9. Monica, it is most definitely GB! Don't you just want to (insert action of your choice) him!! LOL

  10. Gannon - I most certainly want to do (insert action), only problem is, I'd be arrested for it. LOL Happy Sunday

  11. He looks like he's getting ready to exercise....

    Maybe he could come and finish painting my wall.

    No brush needed ;-)

  12. Loving it--think I need a poster sized version of this stashed somewhere in the house!!

  13. I almost didn't recognize Gerald. I thought it was Matt Czuchry. It must be my Logan fantasy's from Gilmore Girls kicking in. lol

  14. Joanie, LOL on the no brush needed!

  15. Monica, I guess we could share a jail cell, because I'd be arrested, too. *vbg*

  16. Wow. And that is the word of the day, folks. Wow. Thank you, Buffie. And God bless you. :)

  17. *Le swoon*
    That is one HAWT Irish man. Now, here's what I want to long have you ladies been keeping Gerry's clothes from him? LOL
    I thought I left him in good hands. ;)

    Love it!!!
    Hope you all have a great week...

  18. Well, I guess this means all of you ladies are enjoying the scenery today!! LOL!

    I figure Gerard is the only way to kick off the Hot Dish. Sheesh, that man is just about perfect!

    Kimberly, oh he has been in good hands. Really good hands *vbg* MY HANDS!!!!!!!!! Bwaahhhaaaahaaa!

    Monica & Gannon, let's make that a cell for three because I know what I want to do has to be illegal is most of the states and half the countries.

  19. Wow, Buffie--I like the way you cook.

    He only gets hotter....

  20. Holy moley! You need to set up an archive of these hot dishes (although now that I think of it, if you put a bunch of shots like this all in one place they may spontaneously combust).

  21. I whole-heartedly approve of that picture.


  22. My...oh my...I am SO glad that I found this blog!

    Kimberly...He's Scottish, btw. And, like most men with a sexy accent, could sit and read the phone book to me and I'd be melting. Of course, if he were sitting there as he is in this LOVELY picture, I'm not sure I could focus on JUST his voice!

    Thanks Buffie!
