Special thanks go to Kim Killion for giving us an identity with the creation of our awesome banner, Anna Campbell and Trish Milburn who carved time from their busy schedules to write a post for us every month, Nancy Northcott, who has been an enthusiastic supporter since that first weekend in Atlanta, long before she so graciously offered to take time from her writing schedule to join our review team and the rest of our wonderful review team - J. Perry Stone, Hellie, Lisa, Santa and Janga - who generously share their thoughts on a variety of romance books with us, especially Janga who has been contributing reviews for the past four years. And last, but by no means least, we'd like to thank the readers - those who may have just discovered us and those who have been with us from the beginning. We do this blogging thing for you and couldn't do it without you.
In honor of our five years we thought it would be fun to ask a few friends of the Dish to share a favorite five from a variety of categories and they graciously agreed. A few of them, clever folks that they are, came up with interesting categories of their own.
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Kim and a few of her cover models. Tough job, eh? |

Black Sheep by Georgette Heyer
The Devil to Pay by Liz Carlyle
A Countess Below Stairs (The Secret Countess) by Eva Ibbotson
Flowers from the Storm by Laura Kinsale
Mr. Impossible by Loretta Chase
A message from Anna:
Congratulations to the Romance Dish girls on five fabulous years. I think this is one of the smartest, funniest, nicest places to be and long may PJ and Andrea and their friends reign!
JOAN KAYSE is another author who has been there for us since before we opened the Dish doors. Thank you, Joanie for advice, support and being a terrific cheerleader. Joan's The Patrician trilogy transports readers to ancient Rome (love those gladiators!) while her next will take us to a magical Irish realm. Joan chose her 5 most anticipated books to share with us today.
IN YOUR DREAMS by Kristan Higgins. You can count on Kristan to bring love and humor and quirky small town settings to life. I LOVED this installment where she took on Jack Holland. The "calm" member of a dynastic winemaking family who fought demons of his own and found redemption with a woman who was strong enough to stand with him, not expect him to carry the load on his own. And then there is Sarge and Squeaky Chicken..ya can't go wrong with that
BURNED by Karen Marie Moning due out in January. OMG, I have ADORED Karen and her incredible writing talent since her first Highlander book. Not only does she write hot, sexy powerful heroes...in KILTS, for gosh sakes... but her storylines are amazing. I LOVE Adam Black the Darkest Fae. Swoon. THEN she built on that and has expanded and taken her myth world into new and exciting directions with her Fever series. Christian MacKeltor...what will be his fate?
GUNPOWDER ALCHEMY by Jeannie Lin. An amazing author who has brought a fresh sensibility to the historical romance market with her Chinese dynasty historicals. Love brought to life in a different historical perspective that strengthens the sub-genre of historical romance.
TIME FOR TROUBLE by Susan Sey If you haven't already read the first two novels and novella of the Blake Brothers Trilogy...get off and go buy them now! Susan Sey, is in my mind, is a master of humor and hot, sexy and sometimes complicated relationships. She makes you fall in love with the H/H and LOL at the same time. I am SO grateful that Susan's writing.
CLOSE TO THE FIRE by Suzanne Ferrell. Yes, she's another Romance Bandit but she is a talented, versatile author who can go from small town love to edge of your seat romantic suspense in the space of a breath. And she knows how to bring the sexy to whatever genre she brings us. She simply rocks.
A message from Joan:
A message from Joan:
Hi Dishes! Congratulations on your anniversary! So excited to help you celebrate!
2014 Debut novel in The Guardian Isle series. Ruarc: Bound in Stone.
All's right with the world...or is it? The Leithprachaun warriors of the Fae world must risk everything to retrieve the stolen essences of life or mortals and Fae alike are doomed. Time is of the essence and they'll risk everything...even their hearts and soul.

Top Five Historical Romances of 2014
Three Weeks with Lady X, Eloisa James
Thorn and India’s story is fresh and
fascinating, sweet and sexy, secondary characters are wonderful, and the prose
is lucid and intelligent. This is one of the best books from one of my
never-fail authors.
Never Judge a Lady by Her Cover, Sarah MacLean
PJ and I together figured out the lady’s
cover after the third book in the series was published, and I have been eager
to the superlative degree to read this one ever since. It was even better than
I expected.
The Songbird’s Seduction, Connie Brockway
An Edwardian-set
romance with a chanteuse and a professor with all the wit and sexual tension of
a golden-age romantic comedy—this one made me fall in love with another set of
Brockway characters.
Not Quite a Lady, Mary Jo Putney
I love marriage-in-trouble stories, and MJP
penned one destined to become an all-time favorite in this tale of a spymaster
and his young bride who sees life in absolutes.
Sweet Disorder, Rose Lerner
This is cross-class romance set against a
political backdrop of local elections and newspapers with a wealth of period
detail by one of the best and most underappreciated authors in the genre.
TRISH MILBURN has been an enthusiastic supporter since that 2009 weekend in Atlanta and for our first four years wrote a monthly column about Young Adult romance. Trish is one of the busiest women I know, writing in several sub-genres. The Texan's Cowgirl Bride, her latest book for Harlequin American Romance was published in July. Along with friends and fellow authors, MJ Fredrick and Tanya Michaels, she's contributed to two Starfish Shores contemporary anthologies. And she's recently released Tiny Treats, A Holiday Collection which is a free collection of holiday micro-stories authored by Trish and twenty-four of her friends.
5 TV Couples I'm Totally Shipping Right Now
1. Fitz and Simmons on Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. -- Though they're not a couple yet, theirs is a wonderful relationship based on true friendship and a shared love of science and doing the right thing. They're going through a rocky patch now, but I just think that will make the payoff so much better when it comes. (Don't break my heart, Joss Whedon!)
2. Clarke and Bellamy on The 100 -- One of my favorite teen dramas on The CW, it's the story of a group of 100 teens sent back to the surface of Earth after humanity has survived many decades in space after a cataclysmic event on Earth. Clarke and Bellamy aren't a couple yet either, but you can see little hints of what I hope is to come. Clarke is the girl from the right side of the space station, so to speak, and Bellamy is the bad boy from the wrong side. I love those types of love stories.
3. Walter and Paige on Scorpion -- They're adorable, and I'm looking forward to seeing the development of this relationship between normal Paige and genius Walter. They're different, but that's what makes them perfect for each other. They each have something the other needs in their life.
4. Oliver and Felicity on Arrow -- "Olicity" to the fans of this pairing, we've gotten some sneak peeks of what I hope is the end game for these two. Though right now, they're breaking my heart a little.
5. Robin Hood and Regina on Once Upon a Time -- I love that the redeemed half of this pairing is the woman, Regina, also known as the Evil Queen. Regina has come a long way to let herself find love again. Things are definitely complicated at the moment since Marian, Robin's previously-thought-dead wife, has returned. But Robin confessed to Regina that she's the one he's in love with now, but he's such an honorable man that he feels he has to be faithful to his wife. He is so incredibly conflicted right now, but seeing these two fall in love last season was my favorite part of the show.
6. Honorable Mention -- Captain Hook and Emma on Once Upon a Time -- Again, you have a woman allowing herself to love again after having lost her first love. And let's be honest, Hook is not hard to look at, guyliner and all. :)
We couldn't have a milestone anniversary without including original Dishes Buffie and Gannon!
From Buffie:
Happy Anniversary to The Romance Dish!! Wow, I can’t believe it has been 5 years!
Here’s my list of the top 5 romances novels:
1. The Wedding by Julie Garwood. This is the book was my introduction to romance novels. A brooding Scottish laird. A mischievous young woman. Let the laughter and the sexual tension begin!
2. Romancing Mr. Bridgerton by Julia Quinn. The Bridgerton series is one of the best historical series ever. I love Colin and Penelope’s intricate and lively dance towards their happily ever after.
3. Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh. The first book in the best paranormal series I have ever read. Singh bring paranormal to life in a way like no other author. I was fully immersed and fell in love quickly from the beginning.
4. Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas. You can’t go wrong with Lisa Kleypas. Ever. But I believe Devil in Winter is her best historical book. A total bad guy brought to his knees by the most unlikely wallflower. This is the stuff dreams are made of!
5. A Midnight Dance by Lila Dipasqua. Lila’s fiery tales are fantastic and A Midnight Dance was her first full length fiery tale novel. Rich imagery, a historical setting outside the British Isles and a sigh worthy hero make this a fantastic read.
Well, I decided to choose my top 5 heroes. Man, was that hard! So many good men...... LOL Here goes.....
1. Jamie Fraser, Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon
2. Roarke, In Death series by J.D. Robb
3. Ian Mackenzie, The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie by Jennifer Ashley
4. Matthew Sheene, Untouched by Anna Campbell
5. Colin Bridgerton, Romancing Mr. Bridgerton by Julia Quinn
There's nothing like our romance heroes. Love them all!
Thanks for inviting me to be a part of the celebration. I can't believe 5 years has passed already!!
Top 5 Places to find Romance Writers
5. Coffee Shops, usually the ones that have chocolate of some sort, somewhere
4. Libraries and Bookstores—we are either shopping, reading, researching, or signing.
3. Dallas! Home of two annual Fall events Fresh Fiction’s Readers and Ritas (www.freshfiction/readers-n-ritas.org) and Buns and Roses Tea for Literacy (www.bunsandroses.org) Always a good time. Several authors are featured and the rest come just for the fun of it.
2. RT’s Booklover’s Convention 2015 (www.rtconvention.com) will find them in Dallas but the convention travels around the country. Lots and lots of giveaways.
And the top place to find Romance writers is—
1. Romance Writers’ of America’s “Readers for Life” MEGA Book Signing for Literacy (www.rwa.org/p/cm/ld/fid=564) EVERYONE is there. This year it will be in NYC. (But keep your eyes open. It travels around the country. Every year a new place and thousands of writers.)
Hellie says:
Another wonderful friend to TRD, VANESSA KELLY has also been here from the beginning, offering her support in many ways. Vanessa writes historical romance under her name as well as co-writing contempory romance and romantic suspense with her husband under the name of V.K. Sykes. Fans of Vanessa's The Renegade Royals series will be delighted to know Chloe and Dominic's story will finally be told in the novella Tall, Dark and Royal, due to be released November 25th. Vanessa shares with us her all-time favorite historical romances:
ANDREA, my partner in crime. Thanks for hanging in there with me. It's been a blast. Here's to five more years of fun!
Now it's your turn! Share with us one of your favorite fives. It can be books, foods, drinks, songs, movies...maybe five favorite posts from our five years here at The Romance Dish. Whatever you choose! Everybody who leaves a comment today will have a chance to win one of our anniversary prizes. Some are U.S. addresses only but many are open internationally. Please help us out by including INT in your comment if you live outside the U.S. Thanks!
Five (5 book) packages (U.S. addresses)
5 books from bookdepository.com (U.S. and international)
-winners may choose one of the following books:
WHAT A DUKE DARES by Anna Campbell (Read PJ's review)
THE GROOM SAYS YES by Cathy Maxwell
TO SCOTLAND WITH LOVE by Patience Griffin
DARLING BEAST by Elizabeth Hoyt (Read Hellie's review)
ROGUE SPY by Joanna Bourne
CAROLINA BLUES by Virginia Kantra (Read PJ's review)
IT HAPPENED ONE WEDDING by Julie James (Read Andrea's review)
From Vanessa Kelly: an ARC of HOW TO PLAN A WEDDING FOR A ROYAL SPY (U.S. only)
From Christina Dodd: a personalized, signed hardcover copy of VIRTUE FALLS (U.S. only) (Read PJ's Top Dish review)
From Joan Kayse: a digital copy of The Patrician series (U.S. and international)
Regency Buck by Georgette Heyer. The first Regency romance I ever read, thus introducing me to my favourite genre.
Crocodile on the Sandback by Elizabeth Peters. I love historical mystery, and the Amelia Peabody books have have everything. Amazing setting, great characters, fabulous humour, emotion, romance, and the best heroine ever—Amelia Peabody. Plus my favourite romance hero, Ramses Emerson.
The Gabriel Hounds by Mary Stewart. The writer who introduced me to the romantic suspense genre, and this was my favourite of her books.
Lady Sophia’s Lover by Lisa Kleypas. The book that totally sucked me back into historical romance.
Not Quite a Lady by Loretta Chase. It’s hard to choose among Loretta’s books, but this is probably my favourite romance, ever. I’m in total awe of Chase’s talent!
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Elizabeth Hoyt and Andrea |
Here are my Top 5 Romances of 2014 (in no particular order):
ONE IN A MILLION by Jill Shalvis
DARLING BEAST by Elizabeth Hoyt
Andrea says: I haven't read Sarah MacLean's upcoming and it may very well earn a spot on my Top 5 Romances from 2014!! :)
PJ here! I crawled into bed last night, exhausted but happy that all was ready for our big 5th anniversary bash today. Then I awoke from a deep sleep at 4:30 am with the sudden realization that - oh no! - I was so busy gathering everyone else's Top 5 that I forgot to include one of my own! So, after much middle of the night consideration, I decided to go with my top five favorite newly discovered authors. It's always fun discovering new authors, whether it's with their debut book or an established author who has managed to fly under my reader radar. Here are my 2014 five favorite newly discovered authors.
PATIENCE GRIFFIN: To Scotland with Love (debut contemporary). This book, first in Griffin's Kilts and Quilts series, captured my heart with exceptional writing, a realistic story line and flawed, multi-layered characters. Griffin touched every emotion, holding me captive from beginning to end. The second book, Meet Me in Scotland will be released January 6th. I'll be there! (Read my Q&A with Patience)
ROSE LERNER: I still haven't figured out how I managed to miss this talented author the first time around. Many thanks to Theresa Romain for introducing us at RWA national! I adore Lerner's smart writing, unconventional characters and complex stories. She's reissuing her previously published titles in ebook format and I'm going to snatch up every single one. (Janga has one of Rose's books on her favorites list!) (Read my Q&A with Rose)
ERIN KNIGHTLEY: I picked up a copy of The Baron Next Door this summer and was enchanted with her out of the ordinary characters and unique voice. The second book in her Prelude to a Kiss series, I Adored an Earl comes out January 6th. I can't wait to dive in!
ELIZABETH MICHELS: Elizabeth debuted in February with her delightful Tricks of the Ton historical romance series. Elizabeth is a smart, enthusiastic, hardworking woman with a personality that sparkles and the ability to put all of those traits into her books. I was captivated with her debut, Must Love Dukes and continue to be impressed with each subsequent release. (Read my Q&A with Elizabeth)
NANCY HAVILAND: An author who writes a contemporary romance thriller set within the world of organized crime that keeps me up half the night because I can't bear to put it down has to make my list. A Love of Vengeance, Haviland's debut, kicks off her Wanted Men series. After devouring this first book, and meeting many of the men who will star in future books, I have only one message for Ms. Haviland: Write faster! Please? (Read my Q&A with Nancy)
BONUS: What? You expected me to stop at five? ;-) If you enjoy authentic southern fiction with complex story lines and flawed, multi-layered characters set within the social and civil rights upheaval of 1960's America then you won't want to miss Dollbaby, the stunning fiction debut from LAURA LANE MCNEAL. (Read my review)
Andrea says: I haven't read Sarah MacLean's upcoming and it may very well earn a spot on my Top 5 Romances from 2014!! :)

PATIENCE GRIFFIN: To Scotland with Love (debut contemporary). This book, first in Griffin's Kilts and Quilts series, captured my heart with exceptional writing, a realistic story line and flawed, multi-layered characters. Griffin touched every emotion, holding me captive from beginning to end. The second book, Meet Me in Scotland will be released January 6th. I'll be there! (Read my Q&A with Patience)
ROSE LERNER: I still haven't figured out how I managed to miss this talented author the first time around. Many thanks to Theresa Romain for introducing us at RWA national! I adore Lerner's smart writing, unconventional characters and complex stories. She's reissuing her previously published titles in ebook format and I'm going to snatch up every single one. (Janga has one of Rose's books on her favorites list!) (Read my Q&A with Rose)
ERIN KNIGHTLEY: I picked up a copy of The Baron Next Door this summer and was enchanted with her out of the ordinary characters and unique voice. The second book in her Prelude to a Kiss series, I Adored an Earl comes out January 6th. I can't wait to dive in!
ELIZABETH MICHELS: Elizabeth debuted in February with her delightful Tricks of the Ton historical romance series. Elizabeth is a smart, enthusiastic, hardworking woman with a personality that sparkles and the ability to put all of those traits into her books. I was captivated with her debut, Must Love Dukes and continue to be impressed with each subsequent release. (Read my Q&A with Elizabeth)
NANCY HAVILAND: An author who writes a contemporary romance thriller set within the world of organized crime that keeps me up half the night because I can't bear to put it down has to make my list. A Love of Vengeance, Haviland's debut, kicks off her Wanted Men series. After devouring this first book, and meeting many of the men who will star in future books, I have only one message for Ms. Haviland: Write faster! Please? (Read my Q&A with Nancy)
BONUS: What? You expected me to stop at five? ;-) If you enjoy authentic southern fiction with complex story lines and flawed, multi-layered characters set within the social and civil rights upheaval of 1960's America then you won't want to miss Dollbaby, the stunning fiction debut from LAURA LANE MCNEAL. (Read my review)
Now it's your turn! Share with us one of your favorite fives. It can be books, foods, drinks, songs, movies...maybe five favorite posts from our five years here at The Romance Dish. Whatever you choose! Everybody who leaves a comment today will have a chance to win one of our anniversary prizes. Some are U.S. addresses only but many are open internationally. Please help us out by including INT in your comment if you live outside the U.S. Thanks!
Five (5 book) packages (U.S. addresses)
5 books from bookdepository.com (U.S. and international)
-winners may choose one of the following books:
WHAT A DUKE DARES by Anna Campbell (Read PJ's review)
THE GROOM SAYS YES by Cathy Maxwell
TO SCOTLAND WITH LOVE by Patience Griffin
DARLING BEAST by Elizabeth Hoyt (Read Hellie's review)
ROGUE SPY by Joanna Bourne
CAROLINA BLUES by Virginia Kantra (Read PJ's review)
IT HAPPENED ONE WEDDING by Julie James (Read Andrea's review)
From Vanessa Kelly: an ARC of HOW TO PLAN A WEDDING FOR A ROYAL SPY (U.S. only)
From Christina Dodd: a personalized, signed hardcover copy of VIRTUE FALLS (U.S. only) (Read PJ's Top Dish review)
From Joan Kayse: a digital copy of The Patrician series (U.S. and international)
Kimh, USA
Thanks grat prizes,
ReplyDeleteSuch a fabulous post too.
My top 5 movies are:
SENSE AND SENSIBILITY - Kate Winslet, Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman, Hugh Grant
Thanks, Mary! You know, I still haven't seen MASTER AND COMMANDER. Must fix that.
DeleteI adore CHOCOLAT!
Love that SENSE & SENSIBILITY! Alan Rickman, swoon! And I also love Finding Neverland and Chocolat!!
DeleteCongratulations on 5 great years ladies. I'm going with my top 5 series books.
ReplyDelete1.Gena Showalter's - Lords Of The Underworld.
2.Karen Marie Moning's - Highlander series
3. Diana Gabaldon's -Outlander series
4.JD Robb's - In Death series --Roarke
5.JR Ward's --Black dagger Brotherhood series.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at ) aol (dot) com
Thanks, Carol! KMM's Highlanders. ::sigh::
DeleteStep away from Adam Black, PJ....:D
DeleteJoanie, how about if we agree to share? *grin*
DeleteHappy Anniversary Ladies!
ReplyDeleteWith such festivity my mind boggles to think of what might happen with the dish at Christmas .... Janga leaping from a cracker with poems of love?
Must calm down!!
My (current) favourite 5 romance authors:
Maggie Osborne
Catherine Anderson
Mary Jo Putney
Elizabeth Hoyt
Julianne MacLean
Q, I have missed you, my friend. No leaps--but maybe lists. :)
DeleteLOL @ Q! The poems of love I have no problem visualizing. Maybe a virtual leap? ;-)
DeleteGreat list of authors, Q! I haven't read Osborne is a while. I really need to talk to someone about adding more hours to the day.
Oh, Q, it's so good to hear from you again!! I've missed you!
DeleteBig congratulations to the Dish for 5 fabulous years! *throwing confetti* You are always one of my favorite places to visit, so here's to wishing you ladies many more years of fabulous reads filled with drool-worthy heroes and spunky heroines!!
ReplyDeleteHere's my top 5 favorite book couples:
(1) Chloe and Sawyer (Jill Shalvis- Head Over Heels)
(2) Genevieve and Moncrieffe (Julie Anne Long- What I Did For A Duke)
(3) Isabella and Anthony (Sophie Barnes- The Trouble With Being A Duke)
(4) Beatrix and Christopher (Lisa Kleypas- Love In The Afternoon)
(5) Faith and Ethan (Carly Phillips- Serendipity)
Thanks, Anita! The Canadians are in the house! *grin* We appreciate the good wishes and appreciate all of our loyal readers...like you!
DeleteOoh, good couples! I haven't read the Barnes book (yet) but the rest all carry fond memories.
Congrats to TRD for 5 enjoyable years and many many more.
ReplyDeleteI love visiting here - so many great reviews and I have found many new authors to enjoy. And the generosity of all the giveaways. You cannot be beat.
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
My favorite foods are desserts, particulary fruit or chocolate.
My favorite books/authors at this time are:
Toni Blake - The Diary
Erin McCarthy - The Pregnancy Test - so funny
SEP - Nobody's Baby But Mine - Funny and Kiss an Angel
Barbara Delinsky - Three Wishes
Linda Howard - Sarah's Child
I always list these as my favs because they always stick in my mind.
Aw, thanks, Patoct. We appreciate the good wishes and thank you for hanging out with us all these years!
DeleteCorrection - Toni Blake - The "RED" Diary. Sorry.
Happy Anniversary! I hate that it took me until this year to find The Romance Dish. To be fair, I did not start reading romance books until about two years ago.
ReplyDelete5 of my all time favorite author series:
1- Mary Balogh The Bedwyn's stole my heart
2- Stephanie Laurens Cynster's are so fun to read about
3-Annette Blair-The Rogue Club series
4.- Danelle Harmon I love the de Montforte's and The Scoundrels series
5. Lauren Royal -The Jewel Trilogy
It is hard to name favorite authors or books.
Hi Ann! We're so glad you found us!
DeleteOoh, a romance newbie! I'm a little envious of all the wonderful books you have yet to discover. So much good reading ahead! :)
Oh Ann! You have so much catching up to do! The Dishes will lead the way!
DeleteHappy Fifth Anniversary to PJ and Andrea!
ReplyDeleteFive Reasons I Adore the Dishes: 1) Their love of romance fiction. 2) Their great sense of humor. 3) Their loyalty.
4) Their intelligence and good taste (in books and friends particularly). 5) Their overall wonderfulness.
I hope to celebrate more anniversaries with you.
Thank you, dear friend! I hope for many more shared celebrations as well.
DeleteJanga, we couldn't have done it without YOU! Thanks for all you do!
DeleteBooks I remember the most:
ReplyDeleteWHITE LIES - Linda Howard-suspenseful, written in unique diary format
A WOMAN WITHOUT LIES- Elizabeth Lowell- made me cry, Angel and Hawk's romance
TEMPEST IN EDEN- Sandra Brown - a nude model and a minister fight their attraction to each other when their parents marry
MIRACLE ON I 40- Curtiss Matlock- touching story of the belief in the miracle of Christmas, forgiveness and love
WALKING AFTER MIDNIGHT- Karen Robards- thriller, ex- policeman on the run and takes a woman hostage with him, good vs bad , good cops vs dirty cops , keeps you guessing
Ooh, great books, Laurie! I haven't read Walking After Midnight. Sounds like one I need to check out. Miracle on I-40 is a Christmas romance favorite.
DeleteOh, I love this list! White Lies and Miracle on I 40 are both on my all-time favorites list, but I rarely see either mentioned.
Deletewow, favorites...I don't want to hurt any of my beloved authors. Everyone knows my top pick is ELoisa James, then the rest in no particular order Julia Quinn, SAbrina Jeffries, Elizabeth Boyle, Julia London, Elizabeth Hoyt, Julianne Maclean, Tessa Dare, Margaret Moore, Lisa Kleypas, Susan Mallery, Carolyn Brown............................. I could go on and on
ReplyDeleteYay! I'm not the only one who couldn't stop at five! *big grin*
DeleteBooks of all kinds by talented authors
ReplyDeletemen in kilts preferably shirtless
warm tropical beaches
my husband
LOL! What a great list! :)
DeleteMy husband
ReplyDeleteLindt truffles
*Lindt truffles* ::sigh::
DeleteThanks for stopping by, Mary!
Congratulations to you wonderful ladies! When I think back on my romance career, the four of you have been an integral part of it from the beginning. Your kindness and support of readers and authors is a stellar example of the best qualities of romancelandia. You are truly four classy dames! Much love to Buffie and Gannon--I miss you! And my sincere thanks and love to PJ and Andrea for keeping The Romance Dish so vital. You're the best!!
ReplyDeleteDamn! Where are those tissues...
DeleteThank you, Vanessa. You have no idea how much those words mean to me. Much love to you and your wonderful husband. It's a joy to know you and pure pleasure to read the fruits of your writing labors!
Thanks so much, Vanessa! We love you and your sweet hubby!
DeleteWe love you both!!!!
DeleteHey Vanessa!!! Much love to you and Randy! Sure do miss you two.
DeleteCongratulations on your anniversary!
ReplyDeleteThis was a heartwarming article, I loved reading it. And so glad you love historical romance too! I love historical romance. Here's my top 5:
1.) Whitney, My Love by Judith McNaught
2.) Ransom by Julie Garwood
3.) Romancing Mr. Bridgerton by Julia Quinn
4.) The Ugly Duchess by Eloisa James
5.) No Good Duke Goes Unpunished by Sarah Maclean
Thanks for the chance! I'm an international reader. ❤️
Thank you, Mary Ruth! Welcome to the party! Those are some of my favorite authors hanging out on your list up there. Many keepers on my bookshelves by those five. :)
DeleteWhat a great post! Congratulations to my dear Dishies (lovely to wave to Gannon and Buffie!). May you flourish for many more years.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Miranda! I'm counting down the days until December 30th and the release of The Duke of Dark Desires. I'm going to block out the whole day and curl up under a cozy blanket with this bad boy!
DeleteReaders, you can currently pre-order this book for Kindle for only $4.74!
Thank you, Miranda! xoxo
DeleteWaving right back at you Miranda!! Hope all is well with you :-)
DeleteCongratulations, PJ and Andrea! What a wonderful milestone and the Dish is as fresh and fun now as it was the day you started. I've been honored and blessed to blog with you and share my books with your readers. For that I thank you again!! Here's my top 5 must stop everything and read authors:
ReplyDelete1. Julie Garwood. (Didn't see that coming, huh? hehehe)
2. Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle. (She counts as one preson, right?)
3. Sherrilyn Kenyon. (I'm so looking forward to the next step in her evolution!!)
4. Lorraine Heath. (Who doesn't love an author who makes your heart catch and your tears flow, then gives you that HEA you knew just had to be coming?)
5. Jo Davis/JDTyler (Uhm sexy heroes anyone?)
And she's not a drop everything and read, more like a plan a week to slowly indulge in author: JR Ward. I mean a reader has to sleep sometime and those books are HUGE!!
Julie Garwood? Really? I never would have guessed! LOL!
DeleteThank you for those kind words, Suz. We appreciate all the support you've given us over the years...not to mention the great books! :)
We are honored and blessed to have you visit, Suz! Thanks!
DeleteCongratulations on a great anniversary!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite authors (today, this week) are Jill Shalvis, Susan Mallery, Emily March, Linda Howard, SEP, Kristen Ashley and Robyn Carr. Yes, right now I'm into contemporaries, but I also have great fondness for Joanna Bourne, Lisa Kleypas, Laura Lee Guhrke, Jo Goodman as well as Jennifer Ashley, and Thea Harrison. I'm so sorry I couldn't list just 5!
Thank you, Nikki! I haven't read Kristen Ashley yet but I've been hearing great things about her books. I think I need to read her. What book do you recommend for a first read?
DeleteHappy Anniversary!!
ReplyDeleteI think I will do 5 favorite books I read this month (Well October and November)
R.L. Mathewson Pyte series (I read the entire series in one month so we will just count it as one)
Darling Beast by Elizabeth Hoyt
(ARC) Light my Fire by G.A. Aiken
Game of Thrones George R.R. Martin
and R.L. Mattewson Neighbor From Hell Series I Know I listed her twice, I just discovered her in October and couldn't stop reading her books!!
And yes my house looks like heck right now because I spent most of October reading lol
Congrats again ladies and thank you for all you do here at The Romance Dish <3
Hi Savannah! Sounds like a busy - but very enjoyable - month!
DeleteMany thanks for hanging out with us here at The Romance Dish!
My favorite authors are Jill Shalvis, Susan Mallery, Robyn Carr, Marie Force and Jessica Scott
ReplyDeleteAn awesome line-up! Thanks for stopping by, Marcia!
DeleteHappy Happy Anniversary! I will list the 5 things I love about this blog:
ReplyDelete1. This is a place of discovery...I have learned about new books and new authors.
2. You write positive reviews and articles. Even when you critique, you are nice about it.
3. This site is a strong supporter of the romance genre.
4. This is a happy, friendly place. I read your blog with a smile on my face.
5. You don't just blog, you converse. You respond to our comments. Andrea and PJ, it is easy to feel like we are friends!
I appreciate the time and effort that you both put into the blog. I hope you continue for a long time.
Cheryl, I'm going to print this out and tape it to my computer. Thank you for being a loyal supporter of our blog. We appreciate you!
DeleteCheryl, your friendship means the world to us! Thanks for always stopping by!
DeleteHappy 5th Anniversary! I'm still trying to figure out where the time has gone! I will never forget the four of us (actually five, since Trisha was helping us brainstorm) at M&M, talking, laughing, and creating The Romance Dish. Such special memories to cherish. I am so grateful to have been a part of this amazing group. PJ, Andrea, and Buffie, y'all have a special place in my heart. XOXO
ReplyDeleteGannon, you know you'll always be a Dish in our hearts. Where the heck did those five years go? :)
DeleteGannon, I still remember that like it was yesterday. Love you! xoxo
DeleteWe had some great times together!!! Remember our grand opening ... so many comments. I remember racing home from work and freaking out after seeing all the comments. My heart jump with excitement and the joy of feeling welcomed by the blogosphere.
DeleteHappy Blogoversary!!!! Here's wishing you so many, many more! Thanks for all of the very fun and thoughtful posts. I found you all about a year ago? and now I haunt daily :) I look forward to each new post and I've found some new favs due to your fabulous reviews!
ReplyDeleteUmmm... top 5 anything:
1) my dog Sammie - he's my furbaby!
2) Guardians of the Galaxy - I heart that movie soo much.. the other superhero movies were getting too big and gloomy..
3) Any new release by Ilona Andrews and Nalini Singh
4) My kindle cuz I really, truly do not leave the house w/out it
5) Sushi - if I could afford it, I'd eat it every day
Thanks again ladies!
~erin~ usa
We're so happy you found us, Erin! Stay tuned to the blog. We have reviews for both Singh and Andrews books waiting in the wings!
DeleteHappy 5th Anniversary to you all at The Romance Dish. You all have introduced me to so many new authors and their wonderful books, that have brought me so much reading pleasure.
ReplyDeleteTrying to pick my top five books, is like asking me to choose who is my favourite niece or nephew. I have so many. but here goes
1. Skye O'Malley by Bertrice Small
2. A Woman of Substance by Barbara Taylor Bradford
3. Virgin River by Robyn Carr
4. An Ocean Between Us by Susan Wiggs
5. Shana by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss
So glad you've come along for the ride, Kathleen! I know what you mean about choosing. It's so hard! Some great classics on your list!
DeleteGood morning everyone! Wow....5 years! It seems like only yesterday we sat in your room at M&M talking about things...I seem to recall there were chocolate chip cookies that year :D Thank you all past and present for the support and encouragement you give our genre and esp. authors. And the turtles. Can't forget the turtles :D Love ya! (PS, I can't get a pic of me up so just insert favorite image of a cat :D)
ReplyDeleteHi Joanie! I know what you mean about it seeming like yesterday. How could that possibly have been five years ago? And yes, there were cookies. I believe some of those cookies came from your kitchen. ;-)
DeleteThanks for being such a terrific cheerleader for the Dishes!
Hahaha, Joanie! PJ always brings the BEST goodies! xoxo
DeleteHappy Anniversary and many more! thanks for this special place which I love to visit.
ReplyDelete1. The delightful posts.
2. The Wonderful hosts.
3. The Fabulous authors.
4. The unique books.
5. The entertainment.
Another keeper! Thank you, traveler!
DeleteHappy Fifth Anniversary to The Romance Dish who has so much love, kindness and beauty each and everyday which brightens up my life.
ReplyDeleteMy top 5.
My Husband.
My Grandchildren.
My books.
My movie - Cinema Paradiso.
MY ultimate favorite place - Sunshine and warmth.
What lovely words, petite. Thank you!
DeleteWe have the sunshine today but we sure could use some warmth!
Congratulations on your wonderful anniversary. I am so pleased for you and the wonderful success that The Romance Dish has experienced over the years. Keep up the great work!
ReplyDeleteGolly, to try and choose five favorite books or even five favorite authors would be impossible because as soon as I wrote it down, I would realize that I left a book or author out and feel bad. So, I'll just go with five things that make me happy.
My husband
My kitties
My kids and grandkids
Living in Florida
Reading and reviewing novels
Thanks, Connie! We'll try our best!
DeleteHappy Anniversary PJ and Andrea!
ReplyDeleteI´ll go with my favourite historical tv-dramas:
1. North and South with Richard Armitage
2. Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth
3. Sense and Sensability with Dan Stevens
4. Little Dorrit with Matthew Macfadyen
5. Jane Eyre with Michael Fassbender.
I am INT reader.
Now there's a lovely movie marathon! Good to see you, Serenissima!
DeleteThank You PJ! I have been lurking here nearly every day. Keep up the good work!
DeleteCongratulations on five years! That is like several centuries in Internet time. All the best to you in the years ahead.
ReplyDeleteHere are my five favorite tall, dark, and handsome fictional heroes:
Jack Harper from Always on My Mind by Jill Shalvis
Ford Hendrix from Three Little Words by Susan Mallery
Michael Stirling from When He Was Wicked by Julia Quinn
Sebastian St. Clair from The Traitor by Grace Burrowes
Jackson Davis from Southern Fried Blues by Jamie Farrell
I would add my husband, but he is real. :)
That is like several centuries in Internet time.
DeleteROFL! I love that!
Congrats on 5 years, that's fantastic! It sure is hard to narrow it down to five favorites for books or movies, but I'll give it a shot on movies.
ReplyDeleteWhen Harry Met Sally
North by Northwest
Arsenic and Old Lace
It's a Wonderful Life
The Princess Bride
Oh, some great films! I'm already anticipating my annual Christmas viewing of It's a Wonderful Life.
DeleteHappy 5th Anniverysary. I am going to mix it up and pick my first from 5 categories :)
ReplyDeleteauthor - Grace Burrowes
book - Clan of the Cave Bear
movie - Forever Young
food - pizza
blog - The Romance Dish
Thanks for 5 years of fun. u.s.
I like the way you shake it up, catslady! And I'm very honored to have TRD first on your blog list. That's an honor I don't take lightly.
DeleteAwww, thanks, catslady!!
Deletetop five books of 2014::
ReplyDeleteThe Tryst by Elswyth Thane
Skin by Lydia Michaels
Blackmailed into Marriage by Lucy Monroe
Breakfast at Giovanni's by Kate Hardy
Love With the Proper Husband by Victoria Alexander
Adding more books to my must read list. Thanks, jcp!
DeleteCongratulations! I have been here from the beginning, not as prominent or verbal as before but here nevertheless. Wow, I am always hard pressed to pick any favorites. Maybe with a mix up I can manage 5
ReplyDeleteBlogs : Romance Dish and Romance Bandits
Books: Uh no, can't choose favorites, my mind just explodes. How about a favorite genre?? Historicals, if it is a historical paranormal all the better
Recommended authors from The Dish : There are really a lot of those but I am going to choose two off the top of my head..Roxanne St.Claire and Jill Shalvis
Thanks for the time and effort you have all put into the blog, it is a very happy place for me.
Hi Dianna! It's always so nice to see you here! I'm just pleased as punch to be listed with the Bandits. As you know, I'm a big fan too. :)
DeleteDianna, it's always good to see you! Thanks for your support! :)
Deletebooks are a gift that keeps on giving
ReplyDeleteYes, they are!
DeleteHappy Anni! Cheers to another 5 years!
ReplyDeleteTop 5.....how about general things?
Harry Potter
The Zoo
Hanging out with friends
(no particular order
Thanks for the giveaways!)
Hi Sally! Andrea will probably chime in on the Harry Potter selection. She's a huge fan.
DeleteSo glad you found us!
YES!!! Harry Potter!!! Love it, Sally!
DeleteHappy 5th Anniversary! Do the original Dishes ever get together?
ReplyDeleteI'd add Belle & Rumpelstiltskin and Castle & Beckett to the TV list. Favorite books this year: It Happened One Wedding by Julie James, Fool Me Twice by Meredith Duran and My Beautiful Enemy by Sherry Thomas. To Charm a Naughty Countess by Theresa Romain was also good.
Thanks, Kim! We haven't in a while, Kim, but we need to soon!
DeleteHi Kim! We haven't all four been together in a few years. Gannon and I live about two hours apart so we try to get together occasionally for lunch. In fact, we're overdue so thanks for that reminder! ;-)
DeleteIt has been WAY TOO LONG since we have all been together!!!
Deletehappy anniversary! 5 years, wow! how time does slip by. Enjoy stopping by & checking every day to see what's happening. hard to pick 5 faves (I agree w/ Fran/Helli -- limiting to only 5 heroes, books, authors, etc is almost too cruel) so I thought I'd settle for 5 favorite times to relax with a good book (which was hard enough) :)
ReplyDelete1. evening
2. Saturday
3. morning
4. Sunday
5. afternoon
congrats again on 5 yrs of success and wishing many more to come :)
I love this list, gamistress! And thank you for being such a loyal supporter of our blog!
DeleteLOL! Love your choices. I think I'd only have one time on my list: all the time!
DeleteTop 5 Handsome Men (to me)
ReplyDeleteSean Bean
Daniel Day Lewis
Chris Hemsworth
Christian Bale
Oh, knye, I do love your list...and I agree with so many of them! Yum!
DeleteCongratulations on your 5 years of success. And my 5 favorite foods Chicken, Mac & Cheese, Turkey,Waffles,and Chocolate anything.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jean! And if you love chocolate, you are in the right place. ;-)
DeleteCongrats on 5 years and here's hoping for many more.
ReplyDeleteLove any kind of sweets and my fav authors as SEP, Susan Mallery, Rachel Gibson, Catherine Anderson and Robyn Carr.
Great list, Helen! And thanks!
DeleteCongrats on five years, my favorite five are :1. books,2. grand-daughter,3. romance authors.4. Italian food. 5. Free books
ReplyDeleteThanks, Agatha!
DeleteHappy Anniversary, Dishies! You know I love you gals. Here's to many more years of wonderful Dish-ness. :)
ReplyDeleteAww, thanks, Trish! We love you, too! xoxo
DeleteHappy anniversary, all of you! How time flies when you're talking books with people you enjoy! :) Not sure I could narrow it down to five authors, much less five books! Let's see--as of this morning, Julie James, Jeannie Lin, Joanna Bourne, Shelly Laurenston, Lisa Kleypas... Might have to revise that shortly ;) Here's to the next few years!!
Thanks, Fedora! I know what you mean about that list changing daily. Have you read Joanna Bourne's newest, Rogue Spy? So very good!
DeleteLove it when the Dish rocks! Yowza!
ReplyDeleteFavorite five from my alter ego Frannie: 1) Chinese food; 2) White cake with white frosting; 3) Horses; 4) Reading; and 5) Tom Hiddleston. And because I can't end at only five either: I also love my love bed when it has new sheets and rainy days that I don't have to go out in and making homemade bread and cooking in general--and I love to paint and write and express myself creatively. *does interpretative dance* See?
Love it when the Dish rocks! Yowza!
Delete*Grinning* Me too!
I love your Fave Five+ list! You've reminded me that I haven't made any homemade bread this fall. I feel some french bread loaves coming on. Yum....
Happy Anniversary. May you have man more.
ReplyDeleteI love having delicious meals with my family and friends.
Thank you, Patty. I love big, rowdy, happy homemade meals with family and dear friends. I'm smiling right now just thinking about it. :)
DeleteCongratulations on your 5th anniversary! I just love your blog and look forward to reading it each day. I'm hoping there are many more anniversaries to come. You really are the best!
ReplyDeleteI have many favorite authors so I can't possibly list just five, but the first five to come to mind are Eloisa James, Lisa Kleypas, Tessa Dare, Julie Anne Long, Mary Balogh.
Thank you, Pam! I'm hoping there are many more anniversaries too. We appreciate your support!
DeleteHappy Annversary!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite romance authors are
Lori Wilde
Danielle Steel
Carolyn Brown
Fern Michaels
Debbie Macomber
I look forward to reading this blog every day and I appreciae all your reviews and helping us all keep up on new books (like we need any new books...lol) You do a great Job!!
Thank you! We look forward to your comments! :)
DeleteHappy Happy Anniversary. I love this site; the hostesses are so informative and friendly.
ReplyDeleteI love the Thanksgiving meal and my mom's apple pie.
Authors I like are Allison Brennan, Carla Cassidy, Susan Mallery, Robin Carr and Jane Graves - great Rainbow Bridge stories.
Natalie's Mama
Hi Natalie's Mama! I just love your screen name. I don't know why but it makes me smile every time you leave a comment. :)
DeleteI love the Thanksgiving meal too...and my apple pie!
Congratulations! Happy Anniversary!
ReplyDeletePride (In the Name of Love)
With or Without You
All I Want is You
Beautiful Day
5 songs by U2
Great songs! Sitting here humming along as I respond to comments. *grin*
DeleteCongratulations on five wonderful years of the best books in the world: ROMANCE! Here's to five more!
ReplyDeleteHi Tracy! Thanks for your comments and for contributing to that world of great books. I've been really enjoying your western anthology stories!
DeleteHappy Anniversary!!! I guess I have been coming here for most of the five years and I really enjoy this site and the ladies that are here. Thanks so much for five wonderful years.
ReplyDeleteYou've been here a long time, Quilt Lady. We sure do appreciate that. Thank you for sticking with us!
DeleteHappy anniversary ! I don't know how you all pared a list of books to 5. I have far too many favs to narrow it down. Maybe will list 5 favorite things (other than God and family) in no particular order... historical romance especially Highlands and time travel, reading on my paper white, chocolate, zumba after eating the chocolate and a good cup of coffee.
ReplyDeleteJan, you'll notice I went for five newly discovered authors. There's no way I could have whittled down a list of all-time favorites or even 2014 favorites to just five!
DeleteDon't you just love the paperwhite? Oh, and a fellow time travel lover! One of my favorites!
Happy Anniversary and thanks for the additions to my TBR pile. :) I'm not a strict historical reader (though I do love me some Romans, Joanie!) so I've included my Top Five, Worthy of a Second Read Books: Innocent in Death by JD Robb (love the vulnerability of the characters in this book!); Last Dance at Jitterbug Lounge by Pamela Morsi (the parallel stories - historical and contemporary are beautiful. You just sink right in.); Ex and the Single Girl by Lani Diane Rich (quirky characters with relatives you'd love to hate if you didn't love them so much.); Sarah Dessen's Just Listen (!!!!! That's all I can say about this book.); and Dare You To by Katie McGarry (Intense and brutally honest, I hold my breath through each reading!) Here's to five more years, and lots more good books!
ReplyDeleteHi Lisa! We love adding books to readers' TBR piles. Thanks for adding a few to mine today!
DeleteWoot! Congrats on your landmark anniversary!
ReplyDeleteFor my favorite five, I'll go with movies:
To Kill A Mockingbird
Star Wars (the original)
The Thirteenth Warrior
Music & Lyrics
X-Men First Class.
Hi Nancy! Thank you for the congrats and for all you have done and continue to do to support us here at The Romance Dish. I've never seen Music & Lyrics but I adore Drew Barrymore. This will be added to my future viewing list!
Deleteanything by Joanna Bourne and Mary Balogh.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you there, loseydoris!
DeleteMy fave fives of musicals:
STATE FAIR (1945 version)
and I have to add a 6th...
CONGRATS on five years, PJ And Andrea!!!! I think you two are wonderful ladies and am so glad we have become cyber friends!!! Thanks for ALL the wonderful things you have done here at TRD!!
Thank you, Deb! I can't imagine this place without you. :)
DeleteLove, love, love those movies! I'm going to be singing all weekend! LOL!
My five favorites, or five of my favorites would be Jayne Ann Krentz (Amanda Quick/Jayne Castle/Stephanie James), Sabrina York, Kay Hooper, Sharon Hamilton and Jade Lee (Kathy Lyons.) So hard to pick just five.
ReplyDeleteGood choices! There's just no way I could pick only five. Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteCongratulations on 5 years of romance love, PJ and Andrea! Your grace and generosity are no doubt a large part of what brings people back time and again. PJ, thank you for including me in your Top 5. I am so very honored. xxoo I wish you both five (+) more successful years celebrating romance!!
ReplyDeleteFor a top five I would have to choose songs; the main 5 I listen to when I need inspiration for a scene:
5. Behind Blue Eyes -- Mike Masse (Originally The Who)
4. Better Than Me -- Hinder
3. Bring Me To Life -- Evanescence
2. Hello -- Evanescence
1. Hurt -- Christina Aguilera (tied with) Halo -- Beyonce
Thanks so much, Nancy! And thank you again for visiting with us yesterday!
DeleteI can't believe it has been 5 years since that eventful weekend!! There was SO much excitement and support for us from authors and bloggers/reviewers that weekend. I still remember sitting in the room brainstorming the name, rating system, images, etc. SO many great memories, and what a bond we share from that experience. Much love to you -- Andrea, PJ and Gannon!!!
ReplyDeleteI know, Buffie! How can it have been five years when we don't look a day older? *grin*
DeleteLots of great memories. Big hugs...
Happy 5th Anniversary ladies! Where has the time gone? Though I make lurk more than I comment (will rectify that!), your blog is still one of my favs!
ReplyDeleteMy top 5 BBC Costume Dramas
1. North and South
2. Jane Eyre
3. Pride and Prejudice
4. The Way We Live Now
5. Bleak House
INT for me, and congrats again! I will say, its your blog that encouraged me to pursue my dream of being published, I had won a fun writing contest here eons ago and I haven't looked back. ♥ With my recent contract with Kensington Publishing's digital line for a historical, we've all come a long way in five years! :)
Cheers and hugs to all!
Thanks, Karyn! Huge congrats on your new Kensington contract. I'm so very proud of all the success you've achieved. You deserve it! :)
DeleteMany congratulations, Dishes!
ReplyDeleteIn keeping with 5, here are 5 compliments:
1) you are a beacon of positivity
2) the source of many valued friendships
3) one helluva TBR-pile contributor
4) the one thing that forces me away from auto-buy to going-to-try.
5) co-owned by PJ, who always says yes when I need tiramisu.
I love you ladies.
ROFL! Want to know why I love this woman? Just read her list!
DeleteThanks, Julianne! I'm so happy that you've joined our review crew. I love your insights into romance and the way you express your opinions. And I especially love the fact that you convince me every darn time that there really aren't any calories in that slice of tiramisu.;-)
DeleteFun post ! Fun anniversary!
ReplyDeleteI have a top 5 Holiday Song list
1) Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas... only Judy's version
2) These Hands by Jewel
3) Do They Know it's Christmas
4) Christmas Canon
5) The Christmas Song by the man himself, Nat King Cole
I am writing this watching yet another holiday movie on the Hallmark Channel.
And I couldnt pick a top 5 of romance anything....I love way too many.
Thanks for all your suggestions, of which all hit perfectly!!
My romance collection has grown by leaps and bounds since I have met all of you!
My romance collection has grown by leaps and bounds since I have met all of you!
DeleteOur job here is done. :)
I heard one of my neighbors whistling Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas on this morning's walk with Rachel. And so it begins...
Happy Anniversary!! Here's to many more..
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogiversary!! I've met you just recently but ever since I got here I could feel that loving and friendly vibe that makes me feel welcomed and at home. Most of the books mentioned above are already in my TBR, other I have already read, but some I need to add asap!
ReplyDeleteMy top 5 reasons I love romance are:
There is always a HEA ;)
Love conquers it all
People can overlook the worst of the flaws
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
No matter how much the brain tries to take over, the heart will always be right.
ok, one more, just for the heck of it, even the worst of the rakes (or bad boys) will change for the right person and for true love.
Have a heck of a Fifth Anniversary and here I'm drinking a glass of wine in your name for many more to come!!
Joanna M
Happy Anniversary ladies, one of my favorite blogs every since I "met" you all years ago. We still have so many favorite romances in common, so I can count on your recommendations when I spot an new author to me and this is such a friendly place to visit. Janga's top 5 historicals were all great reads for me as well, though still catching up with the TBR pile before I decided on my own top 10 (like the recent Bourne, MacLean and Anna Campbell), but for sure Three Weeks with Lady X is on it, just loved that book, Vanessa Kelly's series and Theresa Romain top favorites this year too.
ReplyDeleteI'll go with top 5 Christmas Movies:
Bells of St. Mary
Miracle on 34th St
It's a Wonderful Life
Meet Me in St. Louis
White Christmas
Thanks for picking up my latest, Pam!
DeleteAck! I've lost my post twice. Let me see if the third time's the charm.
ReplyDeleteMy five favorite romances:
1 - Perfect by Judith MacNaught
2 - The Bride - Julie Garwood
3 - The "Born In.." trilogy - Nora Roberts (can't narrow it down)
4 - Potent Pleasures - Eloisa James (I've been with Eloisa since novel one!)
5 - Romancing Mr. Bridgerton - Julia Quinn
Happy anniversary, PJ and Andrea! I can't believe it's been 5 years already. Tempus fugit, indeed! It is also my wedding anniversary, so I should be able to remember that one, right? Maybe? :D
ReplyDeleteI'm going with my 5 favorite Wes Anderson movies, because he is an oddball like me!
1. The Grand Budapest Hotel
2. The Royal Tennenbaums
3. Moonrise Kingdom
4. I Heart Huckabees
5. The Darjeeling Limited
Although it's hard to limit it to just 5, because I also adore Rushmore and Bottle Rocket and The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou! I hope you have many, many more anniversaries to come. I will celebrate them all with you!
Congratulations, ladies! My five favorite romantic tropes are : secret babies, marriages of ( in )conveniences, bad boys and good girls, secret admirers, the one who got away, and for bonus points, virginal orgasms and six plus inches. Ok those aren't tropes but girls can dream. Have some champagne!!! Xo Thea
ReplyDeleteHappy 5th Anniversary!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThere's no way I could narrow down my top 5 authors much less my top 5 books! How about my top 5 holiday treats:
1.) Fudge - preferably with nuts, often with raspberry flavor as well
2.) Pumpkin Pie
3.) Apple Pie (also Cranberry Apple pie)
4.) Pecan Pie
5.) Chocolate anything. :-)
Thanks so much for all the wonderful posts! I've moved a couple books up in priority on my wishlist today!
Wow, how did I manage to arrive at the party so late??!!! Firstly, huge congrats to the Dishes for running such a wonderful site. And thanks to all your lovely guest reviewers and your guest columnists and your regular commenters. I've had such a wonderful time being part of all this and I'll miss it when I'm away. Long may the Dishes last!!!!
ReplyDeleteI haven't been visiting for the whole five years, but I knew it was the place to be once I 'discovered' you! Thanks so much for all your hard work!
ReplyDeleteFive favorite things:
- family - especially my little great-nephews Drew & Sam!
- books - I'm kinda obsessed - some of my favorite authors - Mary Balogh, Nora Roberts, Betty Neels, Linda Howard, Catherine Coulter .... and so many more!
- dark chocolate - and now it's good for us
- movies - Pride & Prejudice, Hocus Pocus, Robin Hood, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Kiss Me Kate
- tv shows - Downton Abbey, Castle, The Big Bang Theory, Bones, Madame Secretary, The West Wing
here's to many more years for The Romance Dish!
Okay I hope this isn't a dupe. My first one disappeared!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe it's been five years for the dishers! I'm mostly a lurker but you all feel like sisters to me. HUGE congratulations on your awesome success, and Happy Anniversary!
Okay how about my Top Five things to do when I have free time:
1-Sit on the deck in the warm weather and READ
2-Walk in the woods/Hike
3-Dig in the flower beds
4-Coffee and chat about books/writing with my best friends
5-Curl up someplace warm in the winter and Read
(You know read had to be on there twice)
Best I can do this late. Sorry I was late to the party!
My favorite 5 books:
ReplyDeleteHarry Potter Series
Twilight Saga
Morganville Vampires Series
The Five People You Meet in Heaven
The Summoning Trilogy by Kelley Armstrong
Happy Anniversary!
ReplyDeleteMy 5 favorite foods are:
fried shrimp
chicken,sausage & okra gumbo
Mississippi mud pie
Thanks for the chance to win these awesome prizes!
Happy, Happy Anniversary!
ReplyDeleteMy 5 favorite movies are:
Ever After
Pretty Woman
Gone With the Wind
Lethal Weapons
Congrats,Happy Anniversary!
ReplyDeleteMy Top 5 Favorite Book Series:
1.Dark Hunter by Sherrilyn Kenyon
2.Repears MC by Joanna Wylde
3.Lords of The Underworld by Gena Showalter
4.Sweet,Texas by Candis Terry
5.The Fallen by Cynthia Eden
Thanks for the great post and amazing giveaway! :)
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY it's been a blast.five names I love on a historical books Earl,Duke,Walflower,rakes, and minx
ReplyDeleteHappy anniversary and Congratulations. I am so glad I found this site.
ReplyDeleteI find it hard to list only 5 of any favorites. Favorite reads this year were OUTLANDER (I have had the series on my shelf forever and was afraid to start it because I knew I wouldn't be able to put it down), DUKE OF MIDNIGHT and DARLING BEAST by Elizabeth Hoyt (I loved the whole series, but this brother and sister were favorites), RANSOM by Julie Garwood (this was actually a reread. I love her historicals and this is my favorite), and IMPATIENT WITH DESIRE: THE LOST JOURNALS OF TAMSEN DONNER by Gabrielle Burton (a heartbreaking look at what that journey may have been like).
Happy 5th Anniversary!
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna go with my 5 top writers (but you should know that I have so many authors that I haven't yet read books from). This are the ones I love so far:
- Kathleen E. Woodiwiss
- Penelope Ward
- Kathryn Andrews
- Gaelen Foley
- Julie Gawood
This list changes a bit as I go on with my reading but KEW stays firmly on place #1.
Thank you for this amazing post and you've got an amazing prize. I am INTL girl!
Woo-hoo on 5 years! So glad to have found you and looking forward to many more years of fun!
ReplyDeleteHere's my top 5 book boyfriends:
1.Sawyer Thompson from Jill Shalvis' Head Over Heels
2.Jonathan Redmond from Julie Anne Long's It Happened One Midnight
3.Quinn Sullivan from Penny Reid's Neanderthal Seeks Human
4. Gabriel McBain from Julie Garwood's Saving Grace
5. Kyle Rhodes from Julie James' About That Night
Thanks so much for all the great books and authors recommendations!
Congrats on your 5th blogiversary! Too many books & authors that I like to dare to attempt to rate them. Listing my top 5 movies
ReplyDelete- The Hobbit (both AUJ & DoS)
- LOTR trilogy
- Avatar
- Tangled
- Star Wars
Happy 5 year Blog Birthday, I have alot more that 5 that I love but 5 of my favourite books that I have recently had the pleasure in reading are
ReplyDelete1. Jingle Spells. - Andrea Laurence, Rhonda Nelson, Kira Sinclair, Vicki Lewis Thompson
2. The Christmas Wedding Ring. Susan Mallery
3. Lucky Harbor series. Jill Shalvis
4. No Limits Lori Foster
5. H.I.S Desire Sheila Kell
Gannon, thanks so much for mentioning my Matthew! xxx
ReplyDeleteHappy anniversary to all at The Romance Dish. I'm so glad you're here, sharing your love and knowledge of romance books. (US)
ReplyDeleteMy top five romances of 2014 (so far--there are several I still need to catch up on!) are:
My Beautiful Enemy--Sherry Thomas
Romancing the Duke--Tessa Dare
The Suffragette Scandal--Courtney Milan
Betting the Rainbow--Jodi Thomas
It Happened One Wedding--Julie James
It's always hard for me to pick favorite anything because there is such a wealth of wonderful books, movies, food, etc. out there to choose from. I'll go with five favorite authors, but of course, there are many more I love:
ReplyDelete1. Jennifer Estep
2. Eloisa James
3. Jeaniene Frost
4. Faith Hunter
5. Shana Galen
Congratulations on your 5 year anniversary! I love your blog & find lots of great recommendations! I couldn't pick my top 5 books - too many to choose from! Same with top 5 authors! I will go with movies:
ReplyDelete1. When Harry Met Sally
2. While You Were Sleeping
3. Sleepless in Seattle
4. Sweet Home Alabama
5. You've Got Mail
Congratulations on your anniversary. What a great blog post. Here are my top 5 TV shows: Big Bang Theory, The Good Wife, Homeland, Gracepoint, Foyle's War.
ReplyDeleteMarilyn Baron