New York Times bestselling author, Squawk Radio babe and our friend, Christina Dodd is sharing her thoughts on the finer points Christmas shopping with us today. So take a break from the holiday hustle and bustle and tell us.....what kind of shopper are you?
When it comes to Christmas shopping, there are three kinds of people. People who get everything done early. I call these “weird people.” People who make lists, stumble around and mostly get everything done before December 25. I call these “normal people.” Finally we have the procrastinators who do everything at the last minute. I call these “men.”
Take my friend New York Times bestselling author Susan Mallery. It’s after Thanksgiving, and I know — without checking with her — I know that she’s done with her shopping. She’s also done with her wrapping, her mailing and her cards are written, addressed and stamped. She used to mail the cards before Thanksgiving but got such a hostile response from her less organized friends she holds onto them until closer to Christmas.
Then there’s me. Around October, I always make the same resolution — I’m going to get my

Christmas shopping early. So I hit the internet and start ordering stuff. You know. Stuff. Stuff for the kids, stuff for my husband, stuff for my friends, stuff for my father-in-law who, God help me, is the hardest man in the world to buy for because he doesn’t want anything and if he does, he buys it for himself. (Yes, somehow buying stuff for the kids and the relatives is my job. Would someone explain how that happened?) I usually get the stuff that needs to be mailed packed up and shipped by December 10. You know — soon enough that I don’t have to pay for express shipping but not soon enough to avoid the lines at the post office. Around December 15, I haul all the stuff out of the closet and put it in piles according to who gets what, figure out what everyone has and how much is left to be bought, and in a frenzy order/shop for the rest. Then in a grim tone I announce to Scott since I did all the work of figuring out the gifts and getting them, he can wrap them. This has the effect of having him help. Then we put them under the tree. My family opens gifts on Christmas morning. The gifts are often wrapped for less than twenty-four hours. The adhesive on the tape has barely formed a bond with the paper.
Then there’s my husband. October elicits no such response from Scott. Christmas? Why worry about Christmas in October? Or November? Or even December … until around the twenty-first when something (possibly the millions of commercials and print ads) calls to his attention that he has three days to get me (remember, I’m his sole responsibility) a gift. At this point he becomes a martyr. With many heavy sighs, he trudges down to the mall. He shops for a couple of hours. He comes back in a fury and announces that WHATEVER IT IS I WANT, THEY DON’T MAKE IT ANYMORE.

He hits the internet. He orders something (not what I want, because they don’t make it anymore) and uses overnight shipping to get it, thus making sure the shipping costs more than the gift. (In the interest of fair play, he demands that I tell you he does the Christmas cards and writes the Christmas letter. He does, and usually early in December, too. Bless him!)
So there we have it, the three categories. Who are you? The organized one? The normal one? Or the procrastinator? (And do not, for heaven’s sake, tell me you fit none because you’re of another religion or even atheist. People in your family have birthdays, don’t they?)
Uh, I figure I am close to the normal. At this time I have half here and half is on order. I don't have anything wrapped yet because I have dug out the wrapping supplies yet, that would involve going in the basement and I don't want to. Maybe I will buy new and start tomorrow, wait, that puts me in the procrastinator category doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteI always tell myself I am going to get it all done early this year and then still wind up scrambling. However, this year I have almost all of it done and literally need a few odds and ends! I have even wrapped the extended family's gifts.
ReplyDeleteOk--before you go thinking I am organized...what I am not telling is that the extended family is meeting to celebrate a milestone birthday this weekend, and that is why there gifts are purchased and wrapped. I thought I could deliver them all and save on shipping charges! I am not the only one in the family with this thought either.
That said, I have usually canned things and started making candy by now. I haven't purchased the first ingredient for those things yet! So I am still behind!Ha! Just have to laugh at yourself at these times.
Ah Christina! You always make me laugh! I am the biggest procrastinator on the planet. Sitting here reading your blog I realized 'Oh Yeah, time to shop for Christmas'...duh. In any event I always wait until the last minute - no, make that the last second- to shop; therefore everyone gets 'La Gift Card'. I know it's a complete cop out, but I soothe my conscious by telling myself, 'well at least everyone can get what they want'. Luckily my family 'gets me' and they tell me in advance what kind of gift card they would like. So... for me Christmas shopping has become easy breezy, especially now that my local supermarket sells gift cards to everything from Home Depot to Tiffany's... I can do my Christmas shopping and pick up a dozen eggs and a carton of milk at the same time.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a joyous and happy holiday season!
Hi, Christina, and welcome to The Romance Dish! We're so happy to have you with us today. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm done with all my shopping except for my sisters. And that's only because they just recently told me what they want and so I'm going out today to get their gifts. Then I'm done. I'm just glad that my daughter hasn't begged for one of those Zhu Zhu pets! Now, wrapping is another story. Haven't started that yet! LOL
Hi, Christina. Thanks for posting today.
ReplyDeleteUsually, I am a procrastinator, but this year I bought most of the gifts in mid-November. I still have gifts to buy for my DH, but I know what he wants; it's just a matter of time to do it. Is there such a thing as a pro-normal shopper; you know, normal, but then procrastinates with other gifts? Hmmm, that's me.
I'm usually frantically trying to get those last few gifts on Christmas Eve. But I've done a lot of online shopping this year, so I'm ahead of schedule. I haven't wrapped anything yet though. Our big family gathering is the day after Christmas this year because the firefighter nephews are working Christmas Day. That gives me an extra day to wrap--and cook. :)
ReplyDeleteUm. I'm a man. This year, I've taken Christmas Eve off and will be shopping all day.
ReplyDeletePathetic. But true.
I'm kind of in between normal and procrastinator. I've gotten some of my shopping done. As for the rest, I know what to get, I just haven't gotten it yet.
ReplyDeleteHi Christina! Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteOkay, usually I'm one of those annoyingly organized people who has everything done ahead of time. Not this year! I'm about three weeks behind schedule. The house isn't decorated yet, which caused one of my friends to just about have a heart attack the other day. My house has been fully decorated (and I do mean fully) on Thanksgiving weekend for the past 30+ years.
I haven't even started my Christmas cards, though I have bought them so that's good, right? Haven't started my baking or candy making yet either.
I can pat myself on the back when it comes to shopping though. I've bought all but two gifts, thanks to the Black Friday sales at Kohls, Target and Bath & Body Works (and some great online deals). I'll most likely be frantically wrapping them at the last minute but at least I won't be fighting the other panic-stricken shoppers on Christmas Eve. I hope!
I praise God everyday for gift cards and Amazon. I'm a pathetically late shopper, which is an old tradition in my family. In fact, we like things to arrive late - very late. Birthday presents, one to two months late, minimum. Christmas. Not so bad. Maybe two weeks max.
ReplyDeleteI blame it on my mother. She would buy the presents she wanted for herself, and then give it to us - with the bill - to wrap and put under the tree. My dad is weird, too. He refuses to open gifts with anyone around, sneaking it when no one is looking. I'm convinced he does it to annoy us.
And nothing in our house gets wrapped until Christmas Eve. Usually badly, with leftover stuff from last year. But, you know, we still have fun. We're Italian, so it's really about the food more than anything else.
I think I'm close to normal (never thought I'd say THAT). I shop after Thanksgiving, but at least two weeks before Christmas. Of course, the shopping is done almost exclusively on-line because there is NO WAY I'm going to torment myself with Christmas shopping crowds. Especially when I don't like regular shopping crowds. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteThank you all for visiting! I'm late this morning not only because I'm on the west coast, but because we're having a cold snap and unless the sun is up, we don't have TV or internet (we think the sun has to shine on the connection to warm it up, but who knows?) Anyway, when Scott called Comcast, the computer told him "There are no reported problems in your area." THAT'S BECAUSE YOU WON'T LET ANYONE REPORT ANY!!! He's going to Comcast in person today. The good news: the Apple Store fixed my computer! Oh, and now the bad news: this site won't let me post in person. Have I mentioned I hate technology?
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ReplyDeleteI used to be the one with everything done, but the older I get the less I get done early. Christmas cards will be done by email, I mailed college graduation cards instead, the christmas presents will have to wait until I finish getting the graduation party for my daughter organized and completed, which means I will begin christmas shopping on the 19th, but we also have a birthday party on the 23rd- my grandson will be 1 yr old. Ahh the joys of holidays and all the rushing the crowded malls, and the long lines. But most of all, I really hope that Houston doesn't have another rare snowfall until the 24th of December
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ReplyDeleteHi Christina ^^
ReplyDeleteI'm one of the weird people. ^^ I've had everything bought and sent to me before Thanksgiving ever came around. I like to be able to enjoy December without fretting around with presents. The only thing i have left to do is paint a flower pot i'm giving to a relative to go along with the flower i've been growing for her.
testing, testing
Christina Dodd
ReplyDeleteI'm in!
Okay, now!
Yes, Dianna, that puts you in the procrastinator column. But at least it's not Xmas Eve!
Cyndi, you lost me at "I've even wrapped the extended family's gifts." And you usually make candy and you're late? The only way I could forgive that is if I was close enough to eat said candy.
Marissa, good to see you! I confess, I've done the gift card on occasion, but all gift cards? Wow. Just ... wow.
Andrea, thank you for letting me visit on The Romance Dish! Altho now that I know you've got your shopping done, I no longer like you nearly as well...
ReplyDeleteLOL, Deb, on the pro-normal shopper. I'm always good with the business gifts. The personal gifts are the ones that get me.
Janga, You shop on Xmas Eve? Hm, come to think of it, it's probably a great way to meet men. Harried, angry men who can't find what their wife/girlfriend wants because "they don't make it anymore." Never mind, that's a lousy idea.
Oops. I've been forgetting to put my name up. Christina Dodd! I haven't sent an eletter yet--I'm waiting for my web designer to do the Christmas decorating--but there's an exclusive excerpt up in the member's section, so if you're on my mailing list, go enjoy a read! If you're not a member, please join. There are games, videos and excerpts, and the worst thing that happens is you get witty letters from Moi. :)
ReplyDeleteOkay, enough with the commercial.
Kati, You really are a man! I honestly have never gone out on Xmas Eve. Is it as horrible as they say?
Trisha, Knowing what you're going to get is half the battle. I still don't have a clue about a big gift for my youngest.
Christina Dodd
ReplyDeletePJ, I was cackling about your comment. It's good to see someone who's super-organized lose it for whatever reason. My house isn't decorated, either (altho I do have 3 small mercury glass trees on the mantle.) But I actually have an extra week-my oldest daughter and her husband are going to his parents for Xmas, which is totally fair, last year it was with us, so we're doing Xmas the following weekend. I know, that's kinda nauseating, isn't it? But honestly, I still have that vaguely panicked feeling.
Vanessa, I want to come to your Christmas. We're all about the food, too! Well, and the gifts. And last year, Nordstrom mailed to me instead of my friend and I still have her package, wrapped, in my closet, waiting until I see her. Man, I'm pathetic.
All, I have to cut out for two hours and work out with the skinny, beautiful, cruel trainer. It's hard to believe I pay someone to abuse me ...
I must have a lot of testosterone -- I SWEAR every year that I'm going to be done by the 10th. I order stuff. I even mail some stuff. But then it never gets done. And I was laughing aloud, Christina, because my husband and I go through exactly the same rigamarole every year as I buy all the presents, including for bedridden aunts of his whom I have hardly met, and then he rushes out to the mall on Christmas eve to buy me something. My worst present ever was when he ended up at TJ Max and bought me two black MEN's pull-overs, size XL, because he said that I always seemed to be wearing his, so this made sense.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog! smooches, Eloisa
It depends on the year. Some years I am really good and have everyone's gifts ordered and shipped by Dec. 15. Other years I don't send anything until after Christmas has passed. I buy everything for my side of the family. If my dh wants anything for his side, he is responsible for ordering/sending. For our dd, we both buy since we have both a b-day and Xmas for her. Her b-day is exactly one week before Christmas. My dh is three days after. At one point we had ten b-days from Dec. 15 until Dec. 31. Cards have not been sent for several years now. Perhaps this is the year to start up again. We'll see.
ReplyDeletei'm normal to procrastinating - but one Christmas I was 'wierd' and got everything done early. and it was MY happiest Christmas ever.
ReplyDeleteI suppose I'm normal, 'cept this year I got PJ's uber organized gene. I guess I just needed Christmas early, so I forced it.
ReplyDeleteAs for the husband, mine usually does very well, which is odd, too, because there was that one time, when we were first dating ...
(I can barely type it without shuddering)
A wicker wagon filled with fake flowers that played a cheesy lounge lizard song, and a butterfly that spun around to the beat.
Let's hope to God they don't make those anymore ;)
I think Eloisa wins the worst Christmas present from husband award.
ReplyDeleteChristina, Italians really know how to do the food. The seafood dishes on Christmas Eve, and multi-course meal on Christmas Day, starting with an antipasto, homemade lasagna (even homemade noodles), and then turky or roast beef. Usually three pies and then the requisite cookies for dessert. Heaven!
I would say that I'm half organized and half normal. I love picking out presents for people and like to put a lot of thought into them, so I am usually done shopping (90% online - hate crowds) by Thanksgiving. This year I am almost done wrapping them too, but that's just because I have more time on the weekends now that I've finished school. However, I procrastinate horribly on my Holiday cards! It's now December 9th and I haven't even gotten my cards out...but I did pull out my address book and buy stamps!
ReplyDeleteOh, and you should also know that I only have 3 (1/2) people to shop for: Mom, Dad, & Best Friend (plus new baby!). This makes things much easier on me!
ReplyDeleteI'm back. Still can't get in under my own name. I tried.
ReplyDeleteThe skinny, beautiful, sadistic trainer worked me so hard my legs are shaking. The things I do for good health... (If I die of a heart attack while training, please don't giggle, that would be insensitive.)
Danica, I know what you mean. We live in a small-ish town and on-line is pretty much the only way I shop. Plus, if I'm desperate, I can have them wrap. God bless us every one.
Ruth, sadly, I was laughing about your trials. You sound like me! I'm so far behind with emails alone it's not funny. Oh, my friend from Houston sent photos of the snowfall and I asked what she had been smoking. :)
Christina Dodd (sorry, I keep forgetting to start with my name)
ReplyDeletejedi, You should get together with my friend Susan Mallery. The two of you could lounge around sipping cocktails while the rest of us rush like fools trying to get stuff done. ::sigh::
Eloisa, you win for Worst Husband's Gift Story. But you got stuff organized this year! I got a gift from France yesterday in the mail. Great gift, but the real thrill was having it come so far! You're a dear friend!
Kate Carney said, " At one point we had ten b-days from Dec. 15 until Dec. 31."
ReplyDeleteOh, Kate! My heart goes out to you!
JPerry! How are you? It's been awhile, and I hope all is well with you and your family. You said your husband bought you "A wicker wagon filled with fake flowers that played a cheesy lounge lizard song, and a butterfly that spun around to the beat."
I take back the Worst Husband Gift Prize from Eloisa and give it to you. But at least he has learned better!
Yes, I finished my shopping yesterday, and the cards have gone out. I think you're jealous and bitter! ;-)
ReplyDeleteChristina Dodd here...I've been known to send out Christmas cards with letters in January and February. I figure it's sort of festive to receive them late, and frankly, better late than never.
ReplyDeleteThat's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Vanessa, the food sounds heavenly. We went to NYC as a family one time at Thanksgiving, and dined at a little Italian restaurant. We still talk about that meal. It was divine...three kinds of pasta (including chocolate ravioli with pumpkin filling which I thought sounded dreadful and was so good), the turkey, all the sides, three kinds of dessert. That is a trip, and a meal, I want to repeat. Wow.
ReplyDeleteI've got a look at our Christmas and the dinner up on my website if you want a peek.
I am good. I get stuff for people when I see it--be it July or November. David is bad. Really bad. He goes out no earlier than THREE DYAS BEFORE CHRISTMAS and gets me a gift card. Usually to a sporting store.
ReplyDeleteChristina & Susan: I'm all set for cocktails if you are ^^. Susan you are one up on me though. I still haven't sent out Christmas cards yet. They've been sitting on my desk for the last month waiting till i have free time from uni to sign and address them.
ReplyDeleteChristina Dodd here.
ReplyDeleteOkay, Angelique, since you only have 3 1/2 people to shop for, we'll let you get by. :)
So Connie, I suggest you save up your gift cards to the sporting goods stores and when you get enough, buy a rifle and make him understand how important it is to buy you a real gift. Just a thought ...
Let me just say this. I found the PERFECT gift for Christina this year. Mwhahahahahahahaha...
ReplyDeleteTeresa said, "I found the PERFECT gift for Christina this year. Mwhahahahahahahaha..."
ReplyDeleteI told you. I don't need a Snuggie. I can just wear my bathrobe backwards.
If we're being honest, I haven't purchased one item and the tree is still not up. It's just one of "those" years. Somehow it will magically all come together by Dec 24th. Always does. The theme this year is "keep it simple."
ReplyDeleteI think Eloisa wins the worst Christmas present from husband award.
ReplyDeleteI don't know, Vanessa. J Perry's is right up there with Eloisa's. ;-)
Sorry I'm late to the party. Work, conference calls and family crisis came first.
ReplyDeleteI fall into the normal category, except when it comes to Christmas cards. Over the last few years--when I sometimes manage to send them--they end up being New Year's cards. Hey, it's the thought that counts!
My hubby is a good gift giver, because I give excellent suggestions!! LOL
A wicker wagon filled with fake flowers that played a cheesy lounge lizard song, and a butterfly that spun around to the beat.
J, sweetie, your husband definitely wins the award. Eloisa, she's topped you on this one. ;)
My dad was always a last minute shopper when it came to buying for my mom. Not Christmas Eve, but pretty darn close. He would make my sisters and I come along to offer our opinion. Naturally, my mom got some great gifts! :)
ReplyDeleteI think I am mostly normal! I do buy gifts all year but I don't wrap till the week of or maybe even Christmas eve! I do try to order without express shipping! I don't get cards done but DH at least does internet e-cards to all the family that won't be with us! My dad was a definitely night before Christmas shopper - ugh!
ReplyDeletePrue, the "keep it simple" idea is always a good one, but I heard it as the KISS principle. I'll leave you to fill in the last S.
ReplyDeleteGannon, much sympathy on the family crisis. That is the worst, and so often at the holidays. I hear you about the cards. Scott is downstairs laboring on ours right now...or not. When he took it over, he got it down to a science--labels on the computer, make the kids write their own paragraphs, and all he has to do is write ours. Guys are good at being efficient! And I am sooo grateful.
Just popped over and looked at your pictures, Christina - your tree looks spectacular! And I love that the doggies are in the middle of everything.
ReplyDeleteMartha, you have a very good DH if he takes care of the cards in whatever manner.
ReplyDeleteI always say you have to tell them what you want because a guy will never figure it out on his own. And use little words and talk very...slowly. Then if (when) he doesn't do it, you can complain.
Vanessa, yes, the doggies are always in the middle of everything. Right now, I'm working on the couch and Ritter is sleeping on the ottoman. He's in heaven, of course.
All, I'm going to say good-bye. It's 3, starting to get dark (I can literally see Canada from my deck) and I'm afraid I'm going to lose internet soon (see my first comment, PJ posted it.) Comcast is coming tomorrow so hopefully that will cure our problems, since we're getting more than a little cranky. If I can (as in, if the internet stays up), I'll stop by later.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Romance Dishers, for having me. I've enjoyed myself immensely and I hope you have, too!
Thank you, Christina! It's always a fun day when you're here!
ReplyDeleteI hope Comcast is able to solve all your internet problems. I'm sending lots of good "fix me" vibes your way.
Well, I don't know how to classify myself! I start off shopping a day or 2 after Thanksgiving, buy a good bit, not all tho! Then I kind of fizzle out and become a last minute shopper and wrapper! I swear every year I'm going to do better! So far, it hasn't happened.
ReplyDeleteDon't know if this will go thru or not- but I just have to crow that I finished my Christmas shopping just now- if I can figure out why the e-Bay seller just doubled the cost of my item- for the shipping??? wtf- 2 times @$14.99= $29.98 and final price is $48.98???? WTF??? Have sent them a message and won't pay til I get that sorted out-
ReplyDeleteBUT this is the first Christmas in remembered history that I've been done so early
DO NOT send Christmas cards-e-cards yes- but not Christmas ones...
Worst gift from hubby? Early in our marriage I asked for a clock radio- remember how they were all the rage in the 70's??? Yes, I know, now I tell my age... but DH got all creative and gave me a timer, a roll of wire and a speaker- so I could have the STEREO wake me up! Very creative but not impressed!
Last year I found a great online place that sells lovely clothes in my size for very good prices- SO I bought a bunch of stuff for me and gave it and the bill to DH to spread around the 3 sons so I got wrapped gifts and was SUPPOSED to get the money! HA- got my clothes ok but never saw a cent!
This year I asked for all stuff for the kitchen and DID NOT buy my own !!!!
Merry Christmas all,
How true. jld
ReplyDeleteThe older I get the worse I am about getting things done in advance....Don't know why, but there it is. I love Christmas and when I was younger I always had everything done a week before the holiday...that way I could bake and take the kids to see the Christmas Lights, etc......but now it is just me and hubby and I never know what to get the kids...sooo I wait and tend to do last minute shopping. I guess that puts me in the procrastinator category???
ReplyDeleteHappy Holiday to Everyone!!!
I will begin my Christmas shopping this weekend I think. I have no cards, and when I do I forget to mail them. Both of my children have BDay's this month, 4th and
ReplyDelete21st. Haven't even shopped for the last birthday yet. My tree isn't up but the stocking holders never came down last year so I guess that is a good thing! I have NO CLUE what I will be getting my youngest for his birthday or Christmas other than the Nerf gun he has all but put in the shopping cart himself. Oh I did buy him a rotary phone at an ANTIQUE shop cause he had never seen one. Used HAD because he found it. My oldest lives in HI so he will get $ and the game Operation as a joke.