I’m a firm believer in the power of motivation. And what usually motivates me when I’m writing – especially writing a Blaze – is the sexy hero.
There are so many things that make a hero sexy, aren’t there? A tight butt in well-worn blue jeans (or better yet the front view *g*). Gorgeous, melting eyes. Silky, run-your-fingers-through-it hair. A sparkling, wicked smile. Or is it more than physical? A macho alpha energy? A mellow beta tone? Maybe a little of both? A guy who flirts or a guy who commands. What about the career? Is that what makes a guy sexy? Cops are hot, right? Firefighters even hotter? Cowboys, CEO’s, carpenters. Ohohoh, maybe what the hero wears? A uniform? A tool belt? A three-piece suit?
Mmm mmm, is it getting warm in here?
In my most recent story, YOU HAVE TO KISS A LOT OF FROGS, which is a part of the BLAZING BEDTIME STORIES, volume III, my hero is a reporter who specializes in the sexy. Writing about it, doing it, looking it. Life is good, until a curse ruins his sexual mojo and makes his, well, let’s just say his specialty to shrink alarmingly at just the wrong times. What made Sebastian a sexy hero to me? That despite this minor (well, major in his mind) affliction, this was a guy who exuded sex. Not in the ‘do any woman who walks’ way, but in the ‘make a woman feel meltingly feminine’ way. Which I think is one of the sexiest things there is. Sebastian loved women, appreciated women, and most importantly, respected them. Add in gorgeous eyes, a nice tight butt and shoulders to die for and he was total hunk material.
How about you? Tell me about what YOU find sexy in a hero. What makes a guy a hunk in your eyes? Lets dish about it, and I’ll offer up any book in my backlist to two random commenters!
Fan favorites Tori Carrington and Tawny Weber invite you to

The Body That Launched a Thousand Ships by Tori Carrington
Elena Anastasios is finally going to get her fairy-tale wedding. Little does she know that ultra-hot Ari Metaxas is about to steal her away from her groom-to-be. Or that he intends to give her multiple mind-blowing reasons to believe that he's the better man!
You Have to Kiss a Lot of Frogs… by Tawny Weber
Reporter Sebastian Lane knows he's tangled with the wrong woman when she puts a curse on him to lose his sexual mojo! It's going to take a real woman to save him. Luckily, Jordan Olliver has a weakness for Sebastian, warts and all….
Enjoy a little snippet from Tawny's latest, YOU HAVE TO KISS A LOT OF FROGS!
“What?” Jordan asked, trying not to sound as defensive as she felt. As soon as Sebastian thought he had the upper hand, he’d go right back to nagging her to leave. “There’s only room for one Golden Boy, and you’ve got that position nailed.”
“What a stupid title,” he muttered.
Jordan’s smile widened. Walking through the room, she made sure he had plenty of towels and blankets. Then she headed for the door.
“What’s the matter,” she teased. “You didn’t know that was your primary designation at Machismo? Closely followed by Stud King, of course.”
She expected him to laugh. Instead he looked as if she’d punched him in the belly and called him a pansy.
“What?” she asked, her hand on the doorknob. No wonder she always ended up with losers. She obviously didn’t know how to talk with men. “I’m not poking fun at your masculinity or anything.”
He got this weird look on his face. Almost like panic. Then it was replaced by a set, determined expression that sent a trickle of worry down her spine. Kind of like the kind she got when someone told her she couldn’t do something. A look that warned, ‘Oh, yeah? Watch me.’
Brow furrowed, he strode slowly toward her. Jordan didn’t know why, but she suddenly wanted to run. Stupid. She wasn’t afraid of Sebastian Lane. Except...maybe she was a little afraid of that look on his face. And the way her body reacted to it.
Her thighs quivered. Warmth trickled from her suddenly beaded and aching nipples to deep in her belly. She forced herself to keep breathing normally as he stopped just a few inches from her.
Jordan swallowed, looking up to meet Sebastian’s gaze. A wicked glint sparked in his eyes, but beneath it she saw something else. Something edgy. Dangerous. Sexy as hell.
“Is that why you won’t leave, Princess?” he murmured, planting one hand on the wall next to her head and leaning closer, so the warmth of his body wrapped around her like a silken blanket. “You’re wanting to find out for yourself just how studly I am?”
“Yeah, right,” she dismissed, shooting for sardonic. Instead, she sounded breathless and needy. It was hard to care, though, with Sebastian’s mouth just inches from hers. She stared, noting the laugh lines fanning from those hypnotic eyes and the dark whiskers starting to shadow the sharp edge of his jaw.
“Do you listen to the gossip often? All those whispered reports about how I like it in bed? Whether I’m a traditional, missionary style kind of guy? Or if I play on the kinky side?”
“Who whispers,” she said, her eyes locked on his lips. Smooth, full and enticing, they were right there, tempting her to do something stupid. “The talk about you is done in giggles and shouts. And traditional is the last word associated with your preferences.”
“And you’re wondering?”
“Only about your stamina.”
His grin was fast, appreciative and the final straw for Jordan. She couldn’t stop herself. She ran her tongue over her bottom lip. Just the tip of it.
That’s all it took. Sebastian’s eyes went from amused to molten. Then he lowered his head. Excitement did a happy sprint through Jordan’s tummy, her heart keeping pace. Desire, hot, wild and intense flamed through her.
Like a whisper, his lips brushed hers. Just barely a taste, a hint of the decadent deliciousness yet to come. Her breath lodged tight in her chest. Her heart pounded so hard she was sure he could feel it against his mouth.
Then he pulled back. Eyes closed, he shook his head and turned away. Jordan almost screamed in protest. She wanted her kiss, dammit. It was all she could do not to grab him back as he strode toward the bed.
Hi Tawny,
ReplyDeleteI find smart and caring men sexy. I also think humor is important and if he can make you laugh he's definitely a keeper. Be tall, dark and handsome doesn't hurt either.
Handsome, charming, witty, intelligent, respectful to old people and loves children. I find all of these things very sexy. And if he is in a uniform that makes it even better.
ReplyDeleteMmmm, Jane. That is one yummy sounding man. I think laughter is so sexy, don't you? And hey, tall, dark and handsome are definitely welcome :-)
ReplyDeleteOooh, Linda!!! Definitely. A man who is respectful to the elderly and enjoys kids just shows a level of compassion that is beyond sexy. Its the melt-a-girls-insides kind of wow, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with all of the above, as long as we are wishing may as well wish for it all.
ReplyDeleteTo me the two biggest are the caring for kids and elderly and sense of humor. If you can laugh about it you will get through it no matter what.
I kind of like the old world style from a man too, manners still count with me.
YAY, Tawny's here!!! Welcome to The Romance Dish, girl!! I am so happy that you are with us today.
ReplyDeleteNow, I need to go take another shower!! That is one HAWT excerpt. You had my heart pumping away ;) I am lovin' Sebastian already. I always love reading your stuff and I am definitely looking forward to reading this one. You have now got me in the right frame of mind for researching hotties for tomorrow's Hot Dish. Thanks girl!
There are so many darn things that make a man sexy. Within minutes of first meeting my hubby, I was drawn to his dark eyes and sexy butt :) But as we began to day, I realized I found his humor, his honesty, and his love for his family even sexier.
Hi, Tawny.
ReplyDeleteThe very first time I saw my husband, I was attracted to him. He was wearing Levis, cowboy boots, and a button-down blue shirt. He had/has sexy blue eyes, brown hair (just a tad too long then), and ooh, a very nice rear end! He has a nice smile, a fun laugh, and he still opens doors for me after 11 years of marriage. So, my husband is MY ideal sexy man :)
Hi, Tawny. That is one smokin' hot excerpt! I have a crush on Sebastian already! LOL
ReplyDeleteMy husband's smile, dimples and very fine butt caught my eye when we first met....and they still do! ;) My dh was also a naval officer for 21 years so I can attest to the sexiness of a man in uniform. *g* Add to that, the ability to make me laugh, help with the kids and house--hey I'm out of town now, so he's doing it all solo--and being there through all the ups and downs of life.
God bless those sexy men and thanks for writing about them, Tawny!
Hi Tawny, fancy seeing you over here :)
ReplyDeleteAs far as men?...Hmmm...Well, any of the heroes you write would do.
Smart and a good sense of humor are important to me. And I would have to agree with Jane, tall, dark and handsome work well.
Hi, Tawny!
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting us know you were here!
Re your question about what makes a guy a hunk in your eyes, well ... let me tell you a story. I've been a competitive badminton player for over 20 years now. One day I was watching a game when the person beside me asked the score. I said I didn't know. I was then asked who was winning. Again, I didn't know. Yet I'd been watching since the beginning of the match. Know WHY I didn't know? Because I was admiring the guy's butt. My my, I'm getting the vapours just thinking about it again, all those years later, LOL! I tell my friends, "I have priorities!"
Re sexy in a hero traits, it changes with each hero, I think. I like the way stories are written about a man "using his hands" in both his job and off the job, mind you, but otherwise it could be the way he thinks, the way he talks, the way he doesn't talk, but especially the way he treats the heroine. It isn't something physical for me.
Good morning and welcome, Tawny!! We are SO glad to have you here today. Congrats on your newest release! That excerpt certainly got my pulse racing. ;-)
ReplyDeleteLike several other have stated, I find a sense of humor sexy. Not "class clown" funny (I dated a guy like that, blech), but witty humor. That's my husband. :) Sexy eyes get me, too. And my husband has those. LOL
Love my DH's (facial) dimples, too.
ReplyDeleteHi Tawny,
ReplyDeleteI usually find a hero with an accent to be incredibly sexy. All i have to known is that he doesn't have an American one and i'm all over him. I also find a smart, gruffy man to be quite sexy as well. ^^
This is a good question. Tall and smart for sure along with a good sense of humor. I never would have thought so before, but I also have a thing for blue eyes!! :)
ReplyDeleteI hear ya, Dianna!! I love a guy who remembers the simple manners - hold the door open, stand when a lady enters the room, etc. It just tells you he's the kind of guy who pays attention to a woman's needs *g*
ReplyDeleteHi, Tawny!
ReplyDeleteYOu know what I find really, really sexy? Smart guys. Seriously. A guy who can talk to me, who can talk circles around me, who talks to me, period. I certainly appreciate the rest of the package but that's what does it for me.
Maybe that's why I love Jenny Crusie & Susan Elizabeth Phillips novels--the banter is as good as the romance. Heck, the banter IS the romance, & that's the way I like it. :-)
Hi Tawny! Sebastian is a wonderful hero. I found him incredibly sexy and Jordan is just perfect for him.
ReplyDeleteI've always gone for tall guys, muscular (but not muscle-bound), athletic. I want someone with brains, a sense of humor and integrity. I want him to be caring and have respect for women but I also want him to challenge me. No pushovers for me! Oh, and he has to like dogs. Afraid that one's a deal breaker. :)
Sense of humour and good with kids!
ReplyDeleteDitto! I think that what's sexiest in a hero isn't the outside (although that can't hurt!)--a sexy hero is smart, competent, thoughtful, and funny. And being humble is good, too :)
ReplyDeleteBuffie, thank you so much for the welcome. I love your place ;-) You are all so welcoming and fun here.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you loved Sebastian. He was so fun to write -just totally sexy but stuck in the 'can't do anything with all this sexy stuff' mode. I'll admit, I giggled as I tortured him. I'm bad that way ;-)
I think you nailed the sexy guy vibe perfectly. Generally, we're attracted to the physical first. Sexy eyes, tight butt, grab-em-and-ride shoulders. But there has to be more for us to stick around. A sense of humor, a great personality, a sweet way of talking, they are all so much sexier in the long run, huh?
Awww, Deb. Your post made me smile so big. I love hearing how women fell for their guy's and even more love hearing how the spark is still flaming years later.
ReplyDeleteNow that's what really sexy is all about, huh?
Gannon!!! Thank you for letting me hang with you all today :-) And thanks, too for the kind words about Sebastian *g* He's a nummy one, huh?
ReplyDeleteYour husband sounds fabulous. Dimples are just OMG sexy, and a uniform too? Ohhh lala ;-) And that he is so willing to step into Mr. Mom... oh yeah. Super sexy!!!
*waving* Hey Christie ;-)
ReplyDeleteThank you! I hope my heroes have appeal, and like you say, a good sense of humor is so important, isn't it. And wrapping it up on a tall, dark and handsome package? Oh yum.
LOLOL Laney - I'd say you have your priorities very very correct. A sexy guy with a nice butt? Top of the list for sure!!!
ReplyDeleteOooh, I love your point about a man who uses his hands being sexy. I totally agree. There is something just so fantasy-inducing about watching a guy who can work well with those hands and wondering just what else he can do, huh?
Hi Andrea, and thanks for having me over to play :-) I'll try to be on my best behavior (or, well, not *g*)
ReplyDeleteI'm totally with you on the 'kind' of sense of humor. The guys who are way over the top? That always seems to mask an insecurity that is so NOT sexy.
Awww, Deb. A guy with dimples.
I think thats one of the reasons I'm so in lust with Johnny Depp. He has those cheekbones. OMG! If you added dimples I'd probably melt into a pathetic puddle of lust *g*
Hey Melissa :-)
ReplyDeleteAccents are uber-sexy for sure. I'm sitting here thinking of everyone I know who has one, though, and they are all women. Its not quite the same LOL. But I listened to Anna Campbell's online interview the other day and wanted to rewind just to hear her talk again.
I'm with you on the gruffy part, too. Its sexy in a teddy bear kind of way :-D
Blue eyes, huh WriterGirl? MMMMMMMMM, they can be gorgeous, can't they?
ReplyDeleteI think you're one of the first to mention smart - and isn't that the truth. I remember crushing all over MacGyver, the guy's brain was just as sexy as his cute butt.
Chalk another one up for a smart man, huh Susan?!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you. I looooove Jenny Crusie's books and like you say, it's all about the banter. There is something just so sexy in a clever mouth... you know, talking and stuff. Yeah, thats what I meant.
Thanks so much, PJ :-D I'll admit I really loved writing Sebastian. But there is a lot of me in Jordan, so that probably had something to do with it LOL.
ReplyDeleteYour sexy guy sounds perfect!! I love everything you listed and am so totally right there with you on the 'has to love dogs' thing. One of my favorite things to watch is my husband wrestling and laughing with the dogs. Its just so sweet.
Definitely, Chey!!!!
ReplyDeleteMmmmm, put me on the shoulder list too, Drew. Not only are they uber sexy, there is something just so solid and dependable about well-muscled shoulders. Like you know that guy can carry the weight, huh?
ReplyDeletebtw, now I'm humming ZZ Top *g*
Fedora!! Yes, humble is a huge plus. I might want to drool all over a guy for being super sexy, but I don't want to be competing with him for whose doing the most admiring of his sexiness.
ReplyDeleteConfidence is sexy. Conceit, not even close.
for me, Good looking (not always have to be handsome *g*), Charming, smart, have sense of humor,humble, and a bit mysterious *wink wink*
ReplyDeleteOoooh, Mariska, yes!!! Mysterious is definitely sexy, isn't it? There is something so intriguing about trying to figure a guy out.
ReplyDeleteI love a sense of humour in a hero and he has to be strong and caring and of course tall I love tall men LOL
ReplyDeleteI am really looking forward to reading your new book Tawny
Have Fun